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Samsung goes with ‘three-top’ system

March 15, 2013 - 14:13 By 박한나

Samsung Electronics seated three different chief executives as part of its efforts to improve operational efficiency and grant more responsibility to each unit the CEOs will lead on Friday, following a board meeting.

The world’s top handset, television and chipmaker said that it will establish a three-way leadership system as the company separated its businesses into three different units early this year.

Kwon Oh-hyun, vice chairman and the CEO of Samsung’s flagship arm, will take charge of the device solutions business, while presidents Yoon Boo-keun and Shin Jong-kyun were newly promoted to CEOs of the TV and home appliance division, and also mobile and IT businesses, respectively.

“The move will cut the burden of having one CEO take full responsibility for the decisions made and deal more efficiently to the rapid changes taking place in the global environment,” the company said in a statement.

Kwon has served as the CEO for the Suwon-based IT giant, however, he was not fully in charge of a finished goods business unit since the leave of its former vice chairman and CEO Choi Gee-sung in June last year.

Choi relocated to Samsung Group as he was named the new head of the conglomerate’s de facto control tower, the “corporate strategy office.” Since then, Kwon led the electronics arm with the help of two presidents Yoon and Shin.

The launch of the new top-three system means that each CEO will be given the authority to make final decisions even involving investments and organization operations that will speed up the decision-making process, its officials said.

The move is also projected to toughen up competition among the three business divisions, especially among the two finished goods units, as their performances will be strongly impacted by each CEO’s decisions.

In the meantime, the company will have Kwon represent it in legal and administrative duties.

The company also said it will create an organization under the board of directors that provides advice on Samsung’s corporate social responsibility tasks.

The group will be composed of outside directors and it will review the electronic unit’s activities and strategies involving social contribution, environment protection, shared growth and fair trading to share their expertise and give recommendations, company officials said.

By Cho Ji-hyun

<한글 기사>

삼성전자, 3인 CEO 체제 출범

삼성전자가 올해 초 소비자가전(CE)•IT무선(IM)•부품(DS) 등 3대 부문체제로 사업구조를 재편한 데 이어 각 사업부문장을 대표이사로 선임하는 복수 대표이사 체제를 출범시켰다.

삼성전자는 15일 정기 이사회를 열어 대표이사 겸 DS부문장인 권오현 부회장을 유임하고 CE부문장인 윤부근 사장과 IM부문장인 신종균 사장을 새로 대표이사에  선 임했다.

복수 대표이사 체제는 공동합의에 따라 의사결정을 하는 '공동대표'가 아니라 사업부문별로 독자적인 권한을 행사할 수 있는 '각자대표' 체제로 운영하기로 했다.

다만 법률•행정상 대표 업무는 선임 대표이사인 권오현 부회장이 맡는다.

이에 따라 권오현 부회장 '1톱'에서 권오현 부회장•윤부근 사장•신종균 사장 3인이 각자대표로 각 사업부문을 이끄는 '3톱' 체제로 전환됐다.

삼성전자는 "대표이사로서의 권한과 사업에 대한 책임을 일치시켜 사업부문별 책임경영 체제를 더욱 확고히 하기 위해서"라고 설명했다.

삼성전자는 최근 급격히 확대된 사업 규모와 다양한 사업분야를 한 명의 대표이사가 책임지기 어렵다고 보고 과거 완제품(DMC)-부품(DS) 2개 부문으로 구분했던 사업체제를 CE-IM-DS 3개 부문으로 정비했다.

삼성전자는 종전까지 한 명의 대표이사에게 집중된 의사결정체제를 다원화함으로써 경영상 위험을 분산시키고 의사결정 속도를 높여 강점인 스피드경영의 효과를 배가한다는 전략이다.

아울러 완제품과 부품 사업 간의 독립경영 체제를 더욱 공고히 다지겠다는 방침 이다.

삼성전자는 "수년간 강화해온 완제품과 부품 간 독립경영 체제의 연장선에서 대표이사의 최종 결재권한까지 분리함으로써 부품 고객사와의 신뢰관계를 더욱 공고히 할 것으로 기대한다"고 밝혔다. (연합뉴스)