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UN gave US information on Iraq massacre: leak

Sept. 3, 2011 - 13:06 By
BAGHDAD (AFP) - A UN special rapporteur gave information to Washington indicating its forces summarily executed 10 Iraqis, among them four women and five children, in a 2006 raid, a leaked US diplomatic cable says.

According to the April 2006 cable, which details a letter from Philip Alston, Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions, US forces executed 10 members of an Iraqi family at their home in Balad north of Baghdad, after which an air strike destroyed the house.

"I have received various reports indicating that at least 10 persons...

were killed during the raid" on March 15, 2006, Alston wrote, according to the cable released by whistleblower website WikiLeaks last week.

Alston wrote that, according to information he had, "American troops"

approached the home of Fayez Harrat al-Majmai, a farmer in Balad in Salaheddin province, early on March 15, and shots were apparently fired from the house.

"A confrontation ensued for some 25 minutes. The MNF (Multi-National Force) troops entered the house, handcuffed all residents and executed all of them."

"After the initial MNF intervention, a US air raid ensued that destroyed the house," Alston wrote, adding that the MNF had confirmed that an air raid took place in Balad on March 15, causing "an unconfirmed number of casualties."

Autopsies carried out at a morgue at Tikrit Hospital showed that all of the dead had been handcuffed and shot in the head, Alston wrote.

He said the dead were a man and his wife, their three children -- aged five, three and five months, the husband's mother and sister, his nephew and niece -- aged five and three -- and another visiting female relative.

"The US military attacked the house to capture members of Mr Fayez Harrat Al-Majmai's family on the basis that they were allegedly involved in the killing of two MNF soldiers who were killed between 6 to 11 March 2006," Alston wrote.

The US military was quoted in media reports as saying that soldiers had attacked the house to capture "a foreign fighter facilitator for the Al-Qaeda network," according to Alston.

He also noted reports that "there have been a significant number of lethal incidents in which the MNF is alleged to have used excessive force" over the preceding five months.

International troops in Iraq, most of whom were American soldiers, were known as the "Multi-National Force-Iraq" at the time. But Alston specifically said that US forces carried out the raid, though he also called them "MNF."

According to figures from the independent website, 703 US soldiers were killed in Iraq in 2006.

Salaheddin was the third-deadliest province for American forces in Iraq after Baghdad and Anbar, according to


'미군, 이라크인 10명 즉결 처형'


미군이 2006년 이라크에서 민간인을 체포하는 과정에 서 교전이 벌어지면서 10명의 이라크인을 즉결 처형했다는 유엔 관계자의 당시 전문 보고서가 공개됐다.

폭로 전문사이트 위키리크스가 지난주 공개한 2006년 4월 발송 미 외교전문은 이 내용을 보고한 유엔 특별보고관 필립 알스턴의 서신 내용을 상세하게 담고있다.

알스턴은 이 서신에서 2006년 3월 15일 전개된 미군의 기습 작전 도중에 "최소한 10명이 살해됐음을 시사하는 다양한 보고를 받았다"고 밝혔다.

그는 살라헤딘주 발라드에 사는 농부 파예즈 하라트 알마지마이를 체포하기위해 그의 집에 미군이 접근할 때 사격을 받은 것으로 보이며 25분간의 대치 상황 후 다 국적군이 집에 들어가 모든 사람들에게 수갑을 채우고 전원 즉결 처형했다고 전했다 .

그는 이들 중 4명은 여성이었고 5명은 아이들이었다고 밝혔다.

알스턴은 미군은 "3월6일 부터 11일 사이에 다국적군 2명이 살해된 사건에 이들 가족이 관련됐다는 근거 아래 이들 가족을 체포하기위한 작전을 펼쳤다"고 보고했다.