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Russian probe launched to Mars' moon fails

Nov. 9, 2011 - 14:00 By

Russian probe launched to Mars' moon fails

MOSCOW (AP) _ A daring Russian mission to fly an unmanned probe to Phobos, a moon of Mars, and fly samples of its soil back to Earth was derailed right after its launch by equipment failure.

The Phobos-Grunt (Phobos-Soil) craft was successfully launched by a Zenit-2 booster rocket at 12:16 a.m. Moscow time Wednesday (2016 GMT Tuesday) from the Russian-leased Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. It separated from the booster about 11 minutes later and was to fire its engines twice to set on its path to the Red Planet, but it never did.

Russia's Federal Space Agency chief Vladimir Popovkin said neither of the two iginitions worked, probably due to the failure of the craft's orientation system. Russian news reports quoted Popovkin as saying that space engineers have three days to reset the craft's computer program to make it work before its batteries die.

The mishap is the latest in a series of recent launch failures that have raised concerns about the condition of the nation's space industries. The Russian space agency said it will establish its own quality inspection teams at rocket factories to tighten oversight over production quality.

The $170 million Phobos-Grunt would have been Russia's first interplanetary mission since Soviet times. A previous 1996 robotic mission to Mars also ended in failure when the probe crashed in the Pacific following an engine failure.

The Phobos-Grunt originally was set to blast off in October 2009, but its launch was postponed because the craft wasn't ready.

The 13.2-metric ton (29,040-pound) craft is the heaviest interplanetary probe ever, with fuel accounting for most of its weight. It was manufactured by the Moscow-based NPO Lavochkin that has specialized in interplanetary vehicles since the dawn of the space era.

The company designed the craft for the failed 1996 launch. Earlier, two of its probes sent to Phobos in 1988 also failed. One was lost a few months after the launch due to an operator's mistake, and contact was lost with its twin when it was orbiting Mars.

The challenges for the Phobos-Grunt are daunting. It will require a long series of precision maneuvering for the probe to reach the potato-shaped moon, land on its surface, scrape it for samples and fly back.

If the mission goes according to plan, the Russian craft will reach Mars orbit in September 2012 and the landing on Phobos will happen in February. The return vehicle is expected to carry up to 200 grams (7 ounces) of soil from Phobos back to Earth in August 2014.

Scientists hoped that studies of the Phobos soil could help solve the mystery of its origin and shed more light on the genesis of the solar system. Some believe that the crater-dented moon is an asteroid captured by Mars' gravity, while others think it's a piece of debris resulting from Mars' collision with another celestial object.

NPO Lavochkin's chief Viktor Khartov described the current mission as essential to maintain the nation's technological expertise in robotic missions to other planets.

``This is practically the last chance for the people who participated in the previous project to share their experience with the next generation, to preserve the continuity,'' Khartov said before the launch, according to the Interfax news agency.

China has contributed to the mission by adding a mini-satellite that is to be released when the craft enters an orbit around Mars on its way to Phobos. The 115-kilogram (250-pound) satellite, Yinghuo-1, will become the first Chinese spacecraft to explore Mars, studying the planet during two years in orbit.



러' 화성 위성 탐사선 정상 궤도 진입 실패

러시아가 9일 오전(현지시간) 카자흐스탄 바이코누르 우주기지에서 쏘아올린 화성 위성 탐사선 포보스-그룬트호가 정상궤도 진입에 실패했다고 리아노보스티 등 현지 언론이 보도했다. 

블라디미르 포포프킨 러시아 연방 우주청장은 "위성의 자체 엔진 장치가 작동하 지 않아 (화성으로의) 비행 방향을 잡지 못했다"며 "현재 위성이 지구 궤도에  머무 르고 있다"고 밝혔다. 

로켓 운반체 발사와 위성과 로켓 분리는 성공적으로 이루어졌으나 이후 정상 궤 도 진입을 위해 작동해야 하는 위성의 자체 엔진이 작동하지 않았다는 설명이다.  

포포프킨 청장은 "현재 위성과의 교신은 유지되고 있다"며 "전문가들이 위성의 축전지 연료가 모두 방전되기 전까지 3일간의 시간 동안 새로운 비행 프로그램을 시 도할 것"이라고 밝혔다.  

성공적으로 발사됐을 경우 포보스-그룬트는 앞으로 3년에 걸쳐 화성의 위성인 포보스 표면에서 토양 등의 검체를 채취해 지구로 귀환하는 임무를 수행할 예정이었 다.  

학계는 이를 통해 태양계의 역사와 화성의 생명체 존재 가능성 등에 대해  소중 한 정보를 제공받을 수 있을 것으로 기대했었다.