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Erdogan says Turks can avoid army service for 30,000 liras

Nov. 23, 2011 - 13:47 By

Nov. 22 (Bloomberg) -- Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said his government plans to allow men over 30 to pay 30,000 liras ($16,325) to win exemption from compulsory service in the military, the second-largest force in NATO.

The change has been on the ruling party's agenda for nine years and was drafted so as not to weaken the armed forces, Erdogan said. Income from the exemption payments will fund social services for veterans of the armed forces, gendarmerie and police, he said today in a speech televised from Ankara.

The Turkish military employs 720,000 people, including more than 465,000 soldiers serving under 365 generals and admirals, according to figures released on the armed forces website yesterday.

The aim of the new measure is to "placate the public" and deal with the reality of some ?00,000 or 300,000 men of serving age who are somehow avoiding service,?according to Hatem Ete, an analyst at the Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research in Ankara.

"It wouldn't be possible if there was a shortage of troops, but the Turkish army is already very big," Ete said. The military is "slowly moving toward professionalism," and "the question is whether compulsory military service will be completely removed, or reduced," he said.

The proposal for paid service has prompted controversy in part because of Erdogan's clashes with secularist officers, dozens of whom have been imprisoned in an investigation into alleged coup plots against him, and because military service is viewed in Turkey as a visa to manhood," Ete said.



터키 "1천800만원 내면 군복무 면제"

터키의 레제프 타이이프 에르도간 총리는  22일(현지시간) 3만 리라(약 1천800만원)를 납부하는 30세 이상 남성에게 군 복무 면제를 허용할 계획이라고 밝혔다.

에드로간 총리는 이날 앙카라에서 한 TV연설에서 이같은 내용의 군 면제금제도를 공개하면서 여당이 9년간 고려해 온 것으로 전력 약화를 가져오지 않도록 입안된 것이라고 설명했다.

면제료로 생긴 수익은 퇴역 군인, 헌병, 경찰을 위한 사회보장기금 조성에 쓰일것이라고 에드로간 총리는 덧붙였다.

정치·경제·사회 연구재단의 분석가 하템 에테는 이번 발표를 "대중 달래기"이자 "20만~30만 명에 달하는 복무회피자" 문제를 해결하기 위한 것이라고 해석했다.

에테는 "터키군의 규모가 이미 비대하다"며 "군은 서서히 전문성에 접근하고 있다. 문제는 징병제가 완전히 철폐될 것이냐, 아니면 줄어들 것이냐"라고 말했다.

현재 터키군 병력은 72만 명으로 북대서양조약기구(나토)에서 두 번째로 큰 규모다.