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Korea wins WTO case against US punitive duties on washing machines

Sept. 8, 2016 - 10:23 By KH디지털2
South Korea has finally won its case against the United States' antidumping duties imposed on South Korean washing machines, the government said Thursday.

The World Trade Organization's dispute settlement panel delivered its final report on the case to members on Wednesday, and the report maintained all key points of an earlier ruling that found the US in violation of the antidumping agreement, according to officials from the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.

They said the report will likely be made final when the Dispute Settlement Board meets later in the month for a regular session, serving as a de facto final ruling on the South Korea-US dispute.

The case began in 2013 when Seoul filed a complaint against Washington imposing antidumping tariffs of 9 to 13 percent on South Korea-made washing machines.

South Korea raised questions against the controversial method used by the United States to calculate antidumping duties, known as zeroing, where the US sets at zero any negative difference between the domestic price of a foreign product and its US import price and thus making the overall average of dumping greater.

The U.S. also imposed its punitive duties on South Korean washers based on those sold on Black Friday of 2012.

In March, a WTO panel decided the so-called zeroing method was in violation of the antidumping agreement, while it also found that targeting products sold on specific dates too violated the WTO agreement.

The DSB, acting as an appeals court, again ruled in favor of South Korea this week, ministry officials said.

After the dispute board makes its final decision, the United States will have up to 15 months to remedy the damage to South Korean washer makers, they added. (Yonhap)