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One in five young Germans prefers Internet over sex

Sept. 12, 2012 - 20:06 By Korea Herald
BERLIN (AFP) ― Nearly one young German in five would rather do without sex than give up the Internet for a year, a poll on the country’s online habits indicated Monday.

Eighteen percent of those surveyed said their drive to use the Web was stronger than their sex drive, according to the survey of Germans between the ages of 18 and 35 for lifestyle magazine NEON.

“The net plays an important role for the first Internet generation but there is also life beyond the World Wide Web,” NEON said in a summary of the findings, noting that 57 percent said it was more important for their quality of life to have a balcony than a fast online connection.

It said young Germans who consider themselves “Digital Natives” had different tastes and lifestyles than their parents, with 66 percent saying they “rarely” or “never” felt overwhelmed by the online options at their disposal.

Seventy percent said that they only visit 10 or fewer websites regularly while just 12 percent regularly visit more than 25 Internet addresses.

“The study depicts a generation that sees the Internet as a fact of life but uses it carefully and deliberately,” editor-in-chief Vera Schroeder said.

Opinion research institute Forsa conducted the poll among 1,016 people with an Internet connection.