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IAEA receives invitation to return to N.K.

March 20, 2012 - 20:11 By Korea Herald
VIENNA (AP) ― North Korea has invited the International Atomic Energy Agency to return, three years after expelling its nuclear monitors, the agency said. The U.S. said such a move would be welcome but remained critical of the North’s missile test plans.

Without disclosing the North’s terms, IAEA spokeswoman Gill Tudor said Monday that it received the invitation on Friday. That was the same day that Pyongyang announced it plans to test a missile by launching a satellite, a move that Washington has suggested could jeopardize a nuclear moratorium deal reached with the United States last month.

IAEA’s announcement of the overture from the North came just hours after Ri Yong-ho, a senior North Korean nuclear negotiator, said Pyongyang was sending invitations to agency inspectors as part of implementing the moratorium agreement.

U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said Washington had not been told of a formal invitation to the IAEA from the North ― but said such a move would be positive, while repeating America’s reservations about the planned satellite launch.

“Obviously there’s benefit for any access that the IAEA can get,’’ Nuland told reporters. “But it doesn’t change the fact that we would consider a satellite launch a violation not only of their U.N. obligations but of the commitments they made to us.’’

Now in doubt, the deal foresaw hundreds of tons of U.S. food aid to the impoverished North in exchange for a moratorium on missile and nuclear tests, as well as suspending nuclear work at its Yongbyon reactor.

The deal also opened the way for IAEA inspections of the North’s nuclear program, which has gone unmonitored since the country asked agency experts at the reactor to leave and restarted its atomic activities three years ago.

The agency did not details the terms of the invitation to visit North Korea, including whether they would involve an in-country discussion of what IAEA experts could do at nuclear sites, or whether they outlined what the U.N. nuclear monitors would do at the sites.

“Nothing has been decided yet,” said Tudor, the IAEA spokeswoman, in an email to news organizations. “We will discuss with the DPRK and other parties concerned for the details of the visit,’’ she said, using the acronym for the North’s formal name, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

North Korea is under tough U.N. sanctions that were tightened in 2009 when it conducted its second nuclear test and launched a long-range rocket. In late 2010, Pyongyang unveiled a uranium enrichment facility that could give North Korea a second route to manufacture nuclear weapons in addition to a plutonium-based program at its reactor.