[팟캐스트] (642) 북한 주민들 보이는 카페가 있다?
진행자: 김혜연, Chelsea Proctor (642) At this Starbucks, you need ID: Franchise opens store with view of North Korea 기사 요약: 민간인 출입이 제한된 DMZ 인근에 위치한 스타벅스 김포애기봉생태공원점 [1] South Koreans can now sip their Starbucks while taking in the rarest of views -- the shadowy realm of a forbidden land, North Korea. At a just-opened store, with seating for around 40 patrons, the glass walls frame panoramic vistas of Kaepung-gun and Songaksan in the North Korean city of Kaesong. forbidden 금지된 patron (특정 상점·식당
Dec. 5, 2024