[팟캐스트] (429) '정인이 사건' 양모 장씨 2심서도 사형 구형 / ‘위드코로나' 돌아온 회식…직장인·식당 희비 교차

By Choi Ji-won
Published : Nov. 10, 2021 - 08:31

People stage a protest outside the Seoul High Court to demand for death penalty on the adoptive mother in a highly publicized child abuse case that led to the death of a 16-month-old baby girl. (Yonhap)


진행자: 최지원, Naomi Garyan


1. Death penalty sought for adoptive mother over toddler’s murder

요약: 검찰, '정인이 사건' 양모 장씨 2심서도 사형 구형

[1] Prosecutors again demanded death penalty for the adoptive mother in a highly publicized child abuse case that led to the death of a 16-month-old baby girl.

*toddler: 유아 (걸음마를 배우는 아이)
*sought for: 구형하다; 강구하다
*adoptive: 입양으로 맺어진 
*publicized: 널리 알려진

[2] At the Seoul High Court on Friday, prosecutors asked for the highest criminal penalty for the defendant, surnamed Jang, who was indicted in December on charges of fatally abusing her adopted daughter named Jeong-in from March to October 2020.

*defendant: 피고
*be indicted: 기소되다
*~on charges of: ~혐의로
*fatally: 치명적인, 죽음을 초래하는

[3] Jang was sentenced to lifelong imprisonment from the first court ruling held in May. The defendant appealed the ruling months later, saying the penalization is too much.

*be sentenced to~:  ~(형)을 선고받다
*court ruling: 판결
*to appeal: 항소하다, 상고하다
*penalization: 처벌

[4] The case came to light through an SBS investigative reporting show in January, which brought civic groups and members of the general public to call for better protection of adoptees and stronger penalties on child abuse.

*come to light: 알려지다
*to call for: 촉구하다
*civic group: 시민 단체
*adoptee: 입양아

기사 원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20211105000531

2. ‘Hoesik is back’: After-work dinners return as restaurant curfews end

Workers and restaurant owners have mixed reactions to return of drinking get-togethers

요약: 사회적 거리두기 완화와 함께 돌아온 회식에 직장인들과 식당 주인들이 엇갈리는 반응 보여

[1] As South Korea shifts gear toward “living with COVID-19,” after-work dinners, or hoesik, are among the first things to return.

*curfew: 통금
*mixed reactions: 엇갈린 반응
*get-togethers: 모임
*shift gear toward~: ~로 방침(방향)을 바꾸다

[2] After a nearly 1 1/2-year hiatus, the return of office dinners, which often involve binge drinking and are met with mixed reactions from workers, have been welcomed by the hospitality industry and small-business owners hit hard by the pandemic.

*hiatus: 중단; 휴식기
*binge drinking: 폭음
*hospitality industry: 서비스업 (관광, 식당, 숙박 등)

[3] Alcohol companies are also welcoming the shift in mood. Oriental Brewery launched an in-person marketing event last month for its flagship beer, Cass, while liquor maker HiteJinro said some restaurants have ordered “more supplies than usual” in hopes of an increase in revenue.

*shift of mood: 분위기의 전환
*in-person: 대면
*flagship: 지휘함, 기함; 주력 상품; (체인점의) 본점
*revenue: 수익, 매출

[4] The reaction toward this change in atmosphere in the office however seems to be mixed across generations. While senior workers felt delighted to bring it back, some young people were less enthusiastic.

*atmosphere: 분위기
*across generations: 세대에 따라
*senior: 상급자, (계급 지위가) 고위(상위)의; 연장자; 선배

[5] “I really liked being able to spend the evening hours (since the pandemic) all to myself, working out and going to CrossFit classes. I am worried that hoesik might get in the way of this healthy routine I‘ve got going recently,” said Ji Yeong-gyu, 34, who works at a Samsung subsidiary.

*all to myself: 오로지 혼자서
*get in the way: 방해되다
*subsidiary: 자회사, 계열사

기사 원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20211102000902

[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]

아이튠즈(아이폰): https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2

네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): https://audioclip.naver.com/channels/5404

팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638

By Choi Ji-won (jwc@heraldcorp.com)


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