[팟캐스트] (262) BMW 화재 공청회, 와썹맨 구독 급증

By Kim Bo-gyung
Published : Aug. 29, 2018 - 18:32

진행자: 김보경, Kevin Lee Selzer

1.   BMW Korea chief says he will consider halting sales of fire-prone models

기사요약: 화요일 국회에서 BMW 코리아 김효준 대표, 국토부 김정렬 제2차관 등이 참석한 가운데 BMW 주행 중 화재 공청회가 열렸습니다.

아이튠즈(아이폰): https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2
팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638

[1] As confusion surrounding BMW vehicle fires continues, BMW Korea Chairman Kim Hyo-joon said Tuesday that he would look into halting sales of fire-prone BMW models until the investigation into the cause of the engine fires is completed.

* halt: 중지
* look into: 고려하다
* prone: ~하기 쉬운

[2] His remarks were made during a hearing at the National Assembly, where members of the Land, Infrastructure & Transport Committee grilled Kim and questioned five experts involved in the BMW incidents, including Transport Vice Minister Kim Jeong-yeol.

* remark: 발언
* hearing: 공청회
* Land, Infrastructure & Transport Committee: 국토교통위원회
* grill: 굽다

[3] Chairman Kim said he would look into halting sales of models recalled over the risk of fire in response to Rep. Kang Hoon-sik of the ruling Democratic Party, who urged Kim to provide answers instead of just an apology and to take action as the local chief of the company.

* urge: 설득하다

[4] During the hearing, Vice Minister Kim said an investigative team would find out what had caused the engine fires as well as recall some 106,000 units. The ministry has drawn flak for its late response to the engine fires.

* investigative team: 조사단
* draw: 당기다
* flak: 맹공격

[5] “The investigative team will look into all possibilities raised besides the faulty exhaust gas recirculation cited by the carmaker, and focus on completing its investigation of the BMW car fires by the end of the year,” Vice Minister Kim said.

* all possibilities: 모든 가능성
* faulty: 결함 있는

기사 전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20180828000672 

2.   [Trending] Why do young Koreans go crazy for ‘Wassup Man’?

기사 요약: 방송인 박준형씨가 진행하는 유툽 채널 와썹맨의 인기가 나날이 많아지고 있습니다. 박씨의 외향적이고 친근한 성격과, PD의 훌륭한 편집이 인기 비결이라고 합니다.

아이튠즈(아이폰): https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2
팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638

[1] If you asked which YouTube channel was the most popular among young Koreans these days, “Wassup Man” would be near the top of the list.

*top of the list: 리스트의 탑

[2] “Wassup Man” -- otherwise known as Joon Park, a member of the legendary K-pop group G.O.D. -- is enjoying a new heyday with the channel, which makes the most of his outgoing personality as he visits the trendiest neighborhoods and tries out various restaurants and activities.

* otherwise known as A: A로도 알려진
* heyday: 전성기
* make the most of A: A를 최대한 활용하다
* outgoing personality: 외향적 성격

[3] Since launching “Wassup Man” in June, Park has taken viewers to Ikseon-dong, Eulji-ro, Hongdae, Han River Park, Itaewon, Gangnam, Gangneung and Yangyang.

[4]The concepts for his videos depend on the atmosphere of a given place. In Itaewon, Park recorded a “meokbang,” or eating show, centering on foreign foods and beers, while in another video he strolled around near Gyeongbok Palace in a “hanbok,” Korea’s traditional costume. In Yangyang, Park went surfing and camping.

*stroll: 산책하다, 거닐다

[5] The channel had an insignificant number of subscribers when it first started, but the number has skyrocketed as Park’s clips go viral on social media. On July 4, Park uploaded a video announcing that his channel had 100,000 subscribers. Less than two months later, that figure has already jumped to 895,000.

* insignificant: 대수롭지 않은
* skyrocket: 급등
* go viral: 입소문이 나다

[6] Subscribers to “Wassup Man” say Park’s friendly attitude and the producer’s great editing skills make his videos fun to watch.

*subscriber: 구독자

기사 전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20180827000764


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