[팟캐스트](185) 박영수 특검팀, 국방부 부지 교환 합의

By Bak Se-hwan
Published : March 1, 2017 - 18:27


진행자: 박세환, Kevin Lee Selzer

1. 90일 동안 달려온 박영수 특검팀

기사요약: 특검수사가 28일 화요일 모두 마무리가 되면서 이제 남은 수사는 중앙지검 특수본에 이첩되어 계속 진행될 전망이다. 특검팀은 수사기간 동안 모두 30명을  재판에 넘기면서 역대 12차례 특검 중 최고의 기소 수를 기록했다.

아이튠즈(아이폰): https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2

팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638

Independent counsel Park rises to fame

[1] It took an exceptional investigation team to handle the corruption scandal involving an incumbent president — a case turning the nation’s politics upside down.

*exceptional: 특출난, 예외적인
*handle: 처리하다
*incumbent: 현직의

[2] Spearheading this challenging role was independent counsel Park Young-soo, whose leadership played a crucial role every time the inquiry into high-profile figures faced a dead end.

*spearhead: 진두지휘하다, 선봉에 서다
*inquiry: 조사, 수사
*high-profile: 시선이 집중되는
*face a dead end: 막다른 길로 몰리다

[3] The special team looking into the corruption allegations of President Park Geun-hye officially ended its term Tuesday, indicting most of its remaining key suspects before handing the case over to state prosecutors.

*indict: 기소하다
*hand over: 넘기다

[4] Its attempt to extend the investigation was thwarted upon the rejection of the request by acting President Hwang Kyo-ahn and opposition from the ruling conservative Liberty Korea Party.

*thwart: 좌절시키다

[5] Despite the limitations it faced, in terms of time and jurisdiction, Park Young-soo’s special unit made pioneering steps in addressing the illegality of conglomerate chiefs and political big shots.

*big shot: 거물 (=bigwig, magnate, tycoon)

기사전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20170228000933

2. 국방부, 롯데 측과 부지 교환 합의

기사요약: 지난해 국방부가 성주골프장을 사드 배치 부지로 결정한 데 이어 국방부는 28일 롯데 측과 부지 교환에 합의했다. 롯데가 남양주의 한 군용지와 부지를 교환하는 것으로 결정함에 따라 사드 배치가 급물살을 타게 되었다.

아이튠즈(아이폰): https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2

팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638

Military, Lotte conclude land swap contract for THAAD

[1] South Korea’s military and Lotte Group on Tuesday officially signed a contract to exchange the land needed to station a US missile defense system here, boosting efforts to accelerate the deployment despite mounting pushback from China.

*officially: 공식적으로
*station: 배치하다
*accelerate: 속력을 높이다
*pushback:  반발

[2] In a written statement, the Ministry of Defense said the military had concluded the land-swap deal with Lotte Group, who handed over its golf course in the southeastern rural country of Seongju to host the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system and received a state-owned military site near Seoul in return.

*conclude: 결론짓다
*state-owned: 국영

[3] Following the announcement, the ministry vowed to move up the deployment of THAAD and complete the process as soon as possible, although it did not offer a specific timeline. In November, Vincent Brooks, commander of the US Forces Korea, said the missile defense system would be deployed as early as July.

*move up: advance to, 앞당기다
*deploy: 배치하다

기사전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20170228000969


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