'피습한달 리퍼트, 민화협 강단에 다시 선다’

By 송상호
Published : April 6, 2015 - 16:22
민족화해협력범국민협의회(민화협)가 지난달 5일 우리마당 김기종 대표 습격 사건으로 취소되었던 리퍼트 대사의 초청강연을 재추진하고 있다. 리퍼트 대사는 최근 민화협 상임의장인 새누리당 장윤석 의원과의 만남에서 다시 강연에 서는 것에 동의했다고 민화협 관계자가 6일 밝혔다.


이 관계자는 “리퍼트 대사가 장 상임위원장과의 만남에서 민화협 강연 요청에 원칙적으로 동의했다”고 말하면서, “하지만, 장소, 시간은 확정되지 않았으며 민화협 내부적으로 논의 중”이라고 설명했다.

다른 소식통에 따르면, 리퍼트 대사가 피습사건이 있었던 세종문화회관에서 이르면 이번 달에 다시 강연을 할 수 있도록 논의 중인 것으로 알려졌다. 리퍼트 대사는 강연 시 한미동맹의 굳건함을 재확인할 것으로 예상된다.

(코리아 헤럴드 송상호 기자 sshluck@heraldcorp.com)

Lippert to return to podium

U.S. Ambassador to South Korea Mark Lippert has agreed to take the podium again at a forum to be hosted by the same organization that held a seminar where he was attacked by a leftist extremist a month ago, its senior official and a source said Monday.

Saenuri Party Rep. Chang Yoon-seok, who serves as chairman of the Korean Council for Reconciliation and Cooperation, recently met with the top U.S. envoy and requested him to give a lecture, the official said.

“(Lippert) has, in principle, agreed to take the podium again at our forum during the meeting with Chang,” the official told The Korea Herald. “Details such as when and how the forum will be held has yet to be worked out. We are internally discussing those details.”

A source presumed that Lippert could deliver a lecture highlighting the strength of the South Korea-U.S. alliance sometime this month, possibly at Sejong Center for the Performing Arts in central Seoul, the same venue where the shocking knife attack took place.

Kim Ki-jong, the 55-year-old assailant, attacked Lippert with a paring knife during a morning seminar on March 5. At the scene, Kim said that he carried out the attack to stop the South Korea-U.S. military drills that were strongly opposed by North Korea.

The attack left an 11-cm wound on Lippert’s face and another injury on his left arm. The ambassador immediately received surgery and is currently recovering. Last Wednesday, the prosecution indicted Kim on charges of attempted murder, assault on a foreign diplomat and business obstruction.

Following the attack, the U.S. ambassador’s popularity surged here as he has constantly stressed the importance of the long-standing alliance between Seoul and Washington, dispelling concerns that the incident could damage the bilateral relationship.

Last week, in a blog post, he wrote the incident has further strengthened his belief in the “unbreakable bond” between the two countries.

Founded in September 1998, the KCRC has served as an entity to promote social and political cooperation for national unification. It involves different sections of the Korean society including political and religious groups, and civil society regardless of their ideological orientation.



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