Korea’s creative economy aims at venture ecosystem (한국의 창조경제, 벤처 생태계를 겨냥하다)
코리아헤럴드 8월 14일자 기사
기사 내용 요약:
박근혜 정부의 경제기조인 창조경제는 IT와 산업의 융합, 문화 컨텐트와 기술의 융합을 통한 미래 성장동력의 발굴을 핵심으로 삼고 있다.
When President Park Geun-hye introduced her creative economy policy during the election campaign late last year, most people were *bewildered by the relatively new concept.
The policy’s key points included promoting *convergent IT and software technologies, scientific discoveries and technology integrating with cultural content for sustainable economic growth.
“We must lead Korea’s mid- to long-term growth based on knowledge (in science and technology),” Park said when announcing her plan to create the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, the *control tower for the president’s creative economy initiative.
* be bewildered: 갈피를 못잡은, 어리둥절한
* converge: 한 곳에 모이다 diverge 갈라지다
* control tower: 관제탑, 사령탑
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