경복궁, 창경궁 유료 개방한다

By KH디지털3
Published : April 1, 2013 - 18:45

문화재청은 오는 10월 31일까지 경복궁의 함화당과 집경당, 그리고 창경궁의 가정당을 기업이나, 단체, 개인이 사적인 모임을 위해 유료로 사용할 수 있게 개방하겠다고 밝혔다.
“유료 개방은 내외국민들이 우리의 문화유산을 더 가까이 느낄 수 있게 하며, 개방 된 함화당, 집경당, 그리고 가정당은 본래 외국사신을 접견하던 곳이기 때문에 원래의 기능을 복원한다고 볼 수 있다,”고 문화재청 관계자는 설명했다.
전각을 사용하기 위해서는 문화재청 고객지원센터(www.e-minwon.go.kr)를 통해 신청해야 하며, 첫 1시간은 50만원, 그리고 추가 1시간당 25만원이다.
필요한 집기류는 신청자가 직접 준비해야 하며 문화재의 보호를 위해 실내에는 간단한 다과만 허용된다.
“개방된 궁궐은 사적인 사용을 위해 전력시설을 개조하였으며 문화재의 역사성을 최소한으로 훼손하기 위해 개방 프로그램의 내용을 면밀히 살피고 있다”고 관계자 측은 말했다.

Joseon palaces open for private functions

By Bae Ji-sook

The Cultural Heritage Administration said Monday that it is leasing three halls of Joseon-period palaces in Seoul for private gatherings through Oct. 31.

The three venues are Hamhwadang and Jipgyeongdang, where the king received foreign envoys, in Gyeongbokgung Palace and Gajeongdang, a building the king and his queen used for rest and leisure.

“The openings will widen the public’s access to the palaces, our cultural heritage. Since Hamhwadang and Jipgyeongdang and Gajeongdang were used for various ceremonies in the past, we thought restoring their original function without damaging the historic value of the facilities would better suit the goal of healthier preservation,” the administration said in a press release. 

Those who wish to use the venues should apply at www.e-minwon.go.kr. The first 60 minutes of use will cost 500,000 won in advance. Each additional hour costs 250,000 won per hour. An admission fee for the palace will be charged for those attending the event.

In order to minimize possible damage to the facilities, the authorities will allow only finger food, coffee, tea and water to be served.

The decision came six years after former CHA chief Yoo Hong-joon resigned following criticism for hosting parties at the tomb of Prince Hyoryeong (1396-1486) of Joseon and allowing alcohol consumption at Gyeongbokgung and Changdeokgung palaces at the welcome dinner for the participants of the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers’ congress in Seoul.

Yoo recently called for a “careful and wiser use” of cultural heritage saying, “I believe that buildings are buildings when they are visited by people and used by them.”

“We are aware of the concerns but the three halls open to public use have been renovated with electricity facilities for small meetings. The program will be carefully screened and monitored to prevent any mishaps and we believe that it will pose minimum damage to the buildings,” said Lee Geun-young, a CHA official.


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