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Blue House reshuffles key advisers

June 8, 2016 - 11:11 By Korea Herald
Cheong Wa Dae said Wednesday that it had named a former Saenuri lawmaker as new senior presidential secretary for political affairs.

Kim Jae-won, a former lawmaker from the ruling Saenuri Party, is to take the post to replace Hyun Ki-hwan.

Kim Jae-won

“With his ample experience in the National Assembly and in the presidential office, Kim is qualified to play a connecting role between (Cheong Wa Dae) and the political circles,” Kim Sung-woo, senior presidential secretary for public affairs, said in a briefing.

The presidential office also replaced the senior secretaries for future strategy and for education and culture.

Hyun Dae-won, a professor of journalism at Sogang University and expert in virtual reality, was appointed future strategy chief, replacing Cho Shin, while Catholic University vice president Kim Yong-seung was named education secretary, replacing Kim Sang-ryul.

Kim Hyung-seok, presidential secretary for unification, was named vice unification minister.

By Bae Hyun-jung (