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Gov't vows to crack down on election irregularities

March 30, 2016 - 14:03 By KH디지털2
The government said Wednesday it will take stern measures against all election law violations that can adversely affect the April 13 parliamentary elections.

In a statement released by Justice Minister Kim Hyun-woong and Interior Minister Hong Yun-sik at the government complex in Seoul, the government stressed it will mobilize all possible forces to crack down on bribe-giving, the use of unauthorized methods to sway votes and the spreading of false rumors.    

"Election law violators will be punished accordingly, regardless of their parties, status or vote results," the government said.

Government officials who fail to fulfill their duties to stay neutral on the elections will also be punished, it said.

Under the country's election law, government officials, policymakers and elected officials are forbidden from supporting or opposing particular candidates or parties and from leaking information beneficial to particular candidates.

The number of election-related offenders has increased in the lead-up to the April 13 elections compared with the previous ones four years ago.

According to data by the Ministry of Justice, a total of 434 people have been booked on charges related to irregular election campaign activities this year, up 29.6 percent from 2012.

The government also encouraged voters to take part in the elections, which will be the first since the electoral district map was redrawn after months of wrangling between the parties. (Yonhap)