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Casey Anthony defends her image

June 14, 2012 - 18:07 By 윤민식

Casey Anthony, acquitted last year in the death of her 2-year-old daughter Caylee in Florida, says she was rightly found not guilty.

In her first public remarks since her release from jail for lying to authorities about the girl's disappearance, Anthony told CNN's Piers Morgan she loved her daughter and didn't kill the child, whose skeletal remains were found in 2008 near her grandparents' home in Orlando.

"Obviously I didn't kill my daughter," Anthony said Tuesday in a phone interview on "Piers Morgan Tonight."

"If anything, there's nothing in this world I've ever been more proud of, and there's no one I loved more than my daughter. She's my greatest accomplishment," she said.

Anthony was acquitted of murder charges last year but was convicted of four misdemeanor counts of lying to authorities investigating the child's disappearance.

She is serving probation on an unrelated conviction for check fraud.

"I'm ashamed in many ways of the person that I was," she told Morgan, commenting on her past image as a party girl. "Even then, that wasn't who I am.

"I'm 26 now, and I've gone through hell," Anthony said.

Anthony said she has stopped drinking. "I've probably had a handful of beers since I've been on probation," she said.

"The caricature of me that is out there, it couldn't be further from the truth." (UPI)

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‘전국민’이 증오했던 그녀, 입을 열다

두 살배기 딸을 살해한 혐의를 받다 지난해 무죄를 선고 받은 케이시 앤쏘니 (26)가 자신에게 내려진 선고는 정당했다고 말했다.

자유의 몸이 된 이후 처음으로 공개석상에서 발언한 앤쏘니는 CNN의 ‘피어스 모건 투나잇’을 통해 자신이 딸 케일리를 매우 사랑했으며 절대 그녀를 죽이지 않았다고 주장했다.

앤쏘니는 지난 2008년, 그녀의 조부모 집 근처에서 케일리의 유골이 발견된 이후 아이를 살해했다는 혐의를 받아왔다. 

문란한 생활, 실종 이후 한달이 지나도록 실종신고조차 하지 않았다는 점 -- 결국 앤쏘니의 어머니 신디가 실종신고를 했다 -- 그리고 마취제의 일종인 클로로폼에 대해 검색했다는 점 등 때문에 그녀는 유력한 용의자로 떠올랐다.

그러나 앤쏘니는 지난해 마침내 무죄를 선고 받으며 몇 년간 계속된 재판에 종지부를 찍었다.

무죄선고에도 불구하고 많은 미국인들은 앤쏘니가 살인을 저질렀다고 믿고 있으며, 재판이 끝난 다음에 시행된 E-poll 설문조사에서 ‘미국인이 가장 싫어하는 사람’으로 선정되기도 했다.