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Australian girl, 2, home alone with dead mom for five days

April 16, 2012 - 16:33 By 윤민식

An Australian two-year-old spent up to five days home alone with the body of her dead mother, according to officials who said Monday she may have survived on chocolate Easter eggs.

The severely dehydrated child was found on Friday after neighbors raised the alarm, leading to the discovery of the body of a woman in her 30s in a house in Wagga Wagga, some 400 kilometers southwest of Sydney.

"She was quite lethargic and pale. She wasn't saying much, she wasn't displaying much emotion," regional Ambulance Inspector Eamonn Purcell said of the toddler.

Authorities admit there are many unknowns in the case, including how the mother died, but while the girl was dehydrated her blood sugar levels were good.

"It was not long after Easter so she probably had some chocolate eggs that she was eating," Purcell told reporters.

Police and paramedics who treated the girl were unable to say how long she may have been alone but reports said that neighbors believed it could have been up to five days.

"You've got to feel for this two-year-old who might have been alone days and nights in this house," Purcell said.

The child was taken to hospital in a serious condition but had since improved.

Police said they were preparing a report for the coroner and the cause of the woman's death had not yet been determined. (AFP)


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두살 아기, 엄마 시신 옆에서 5일동안 방치

호주에서 두살 먹은 여자아이가 집에서 사망한 어머니 곁에서 5일동안이나 방치되어 초콜릿을 먹으며 겨우 살아남은 사건이 발생했다고 UPI통신이 보도했다.

시드니에서 400킬로미터 남서쪽으로 떨어진 와가와가의 한 가정집에서 심각한 탈수증세를 보이는 여아와 30대 여성의 시신이 발견되었다고 현지 구조요원들이 밝혔다.

구급차 조사관 에몬 퍼셀은 아이가 발견 당시 무기력하고 창백했으며 별다른 감정을 보이지 않았다고 말했다. 아이의 모친이 어떻게 사망했는지는 밝혀지지 않았다.

퍼셀은 아기가 탈수상태였지만 혈당 수치는 양호했던 것으로 보아 부활절 기념 초콜릿을 먹으며 버틴 것으로 추정했다. 현지 언론에 따르면 동네 주민들은 방임 기간이 5일에 달한다고 추정했다.