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UN agency said to wait for NK invitation to nuke site dismantlement ceremony

May 15, 2018 - 11:54 By Yonhap
The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization said it has yet to be invited to observe North Korea's dismantlement of its Punggye-ri nuclear test site, according to a US radio report Tuesday.

A spokesperson of the United Nations-affiliated organization tasked with building up a nuclear test ban verification regime told Radio Free Asia that the CTBTO welcomes North Korea's decision to destroy its nuclear test site but has not received any request to attend its dismantlement event slated for May 23-25.

Pyongyang's foreign ministry announced last week that it invited journalists from South Korea, the United States, China, Russia and Britain to the dismantlement ceremony at the Punggye-ri site but didn't mention an invitation of outside nuclear experts.


Early this month, a top official of the CTBTO told the US radio broadcaster that North Korea has to permit the international community to inspect its nuclear materials production and test facilities.(Yonhap)