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Obesity costs set to surge, with US in lead - Lancet studies

Aug. 26, 2011 - 10:42 By

PARIS, Aug 26, 2011 (AFP) - One in every two American adults will be obese by 2030, adding hugely to the country's health costs, according to studies

published on Friday that highlight the growing burden of the world's obesitypandemic.

On present trends, 50-51 percent of American men and 45-52 percent of American women will by 2030 have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more, adding

as many as 65 million to the country's population of obese adults, says one of the papers.

Twenty-four million of these 65 million will be older than 60.

The calculation extrapolates national estimates for 2007-08, the latest years for which data were available, when about 32 percent of American adults

were obese.

Britain, too, will see a surge in obesity prevalence, from 26 percent to 41-48 percent in men, and in women from 26 percent to 35-43 percent.

By 2030, as many as 11 million more British adults will be obese, 3.3 million of them aged more than 60.

The study, led by Claire Wang of Columbia University in New York and Klim McPherson of Oxford University, says that medical costs will surge, given

obesity's links with diabetes, cancer, heart disease and stroke.

"The combined medical costs associated with treatment of these preventable diseases are estimated to increase by $48-66 billion (33-46 billion euros) per

year in the USA and by 1.9-2 billion pounds ($3-3.3 billion, 2.2-2.3 billion euros) per year in the UK by 2030," it says.

"Effective policies to promote healthier weight also have economic benefits."

Today, around 1.5 billion adults are overweight and a further 0.5 billion obese, with 170 million children classified as overweight or obese.

Tackling obesity accounts for between two and six percent of health-care costs in many countries and for some regions has even eclipsed tobacco as the

biggest preventable cause of disease, according to the studies published in The Lancet.

They trace the pandemic to the 1970s and 80s, when a rise in food consumption per capita became coupled to a more sedentary lifestyle.



'美 2030년에 인구절반이 비만'


미국과 영국 연구진들은 비만 인구가 2030년 까지 전체의 절반까지 도달 하면서 앞으로 관련 사회적 비용이 증가할 수 있다는 주장을 제기했다.

현재 추세가 지속 된다면, 미국 남성의 50-51%, 여성은 45-52%가 비만으로 분류 될 수 있다는 것이 연구진들의 관측이다.

의학 잡지 “랜셋 (The Lancet)”에 발표된 콜롬비아 대학교와 옥스포드 대학교가 공동으로 진행한 이번 연구는 비만은 당뇨, 암, 심장병 등 각종 질환과 직결되기 때문에 추후 의료비용 역시 폭등할 것이라고 밝혔다.

이번 연구는 또한 영국 역시 현재 26% 정도 되는 비만인구 비율이 2030년에는 40%대까지 상승할 것이라고 예측했다.

연구진들은 “효과적인 정책으로 건강한 체중 유지를 장려한다면 경제적으로도 이득,”이라고 주장했다.

(Herald online)