Home of ex-DP leader Song raided over cash-for-votes scandal

By Yonhap
Published : Sept. 27, 2023 - 10:33

Song Young-gil, former chair of the Democratic Party, speaks to reporters, on May 2, in front of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors Office. (Herald DB)

Prosecutors raided the home of former Democratic Party leader Song Young-gil on Wednesday as part of an investigation into a cash-for-votes scandal surrounding the party's 2021 leadership election.

The Seoul Central District Prosecutors Office sent investigators to Song's home in Yongsan Ward in Seoul and the home of a former senior official of the party's policy committee, only known by his family name Kim, to seize evidence.

The scandal centers on allegations that Song's campaign distributed cash envelopes totaling 94 million won ($69,572) to 20 DP lawmakers and other party members in the runup to the party's leadership election in May 2021, which he ultimately won.

Prosecutors suspect that the Research Institute for Peace & Livelihood, a support group for Song, had been mobilized to source the funds used in his camp's alleged cash-for-votes campaign during the party election.

Prosecutors were also looking into suspicions that the institute took money from a sponsor via Kim in return for using its influence to lobby for legislation on behalf of the sponsor and expected to turn their focus toward whether Song had been involved.

Wednesday's search marks the second time prosecutors have conducted a search of Song's home in connection with the scandal, following the initial one in April.

After analyzing confiscated articles, prosecutors plan to summon Song for questioning. (Yonhap)


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