[Kim Sang-kyun] Reasons to stay away from illegal drugs

By Korea Herald
Published : Oct. 25, 2022 - 05:31

Last July, in the middle of Gangnam, a posh district in Seoul well known for the global hit K-pop song “Gangnam Style,” a man in his 20s, who took methamphetamine at a drinking party, died in a car accident on his way home. Police found 64 grams of methamphetamine in his vehicle.

Recently, a smuggler carrying illegal drugs to South Korea in his stomach died after packets of drugs burst inside him. This was the first time a so-called “body-packer” had been found in South Korea.

The latest incidents show how widely drugs have spread, sending shock waves through Korean society.

There are pleasures that people can seek and enjoy. Aside from the controversy, the good and the bad, right or wrong, we have instincts to pursue pleasure. At the same time, we have free will. Of course, society holds people strictly responsible for their actions. In this regard, the issue of illegal drugs involves human pleasure, free will and responsibilities.

We are all aware that, if historical records are taken into account, illegal drugs have pushed not only individuals but also societies -- even a nation -- to ruin. Until recently, South Korea has been regarded as a drug-free country, which means its people are relatively safe from narcotic-related crimes.

However, the country is now entering a new phase in which drugs are circulating. Some even say that South Korea has become a developing country in terms of drugs. The UN Office on Drugs and Crime predicted that the drugs markets in South Korea would become bigger and bigger due to the country’s IT infrastructure, logistics and price competitiveness.

According to the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office data, the Republic of Korea lost its place as a drug-free country in 2015 when the number of drug-related criminals surpassed 10,000.

Ominously, the number of drug-related crimes is on the rise. Last year, more than 16,153 people were arrested for drug offenses. The number of foreign nationals among them also rose sharply from 932 in 2017 to 2,339 in 2021.

The figures indicate that 14.5 percent of drug offenders in South Korea are foreign nationals, suggesting both Koreans and foreign residents are connected to the drug problem.

In particular, some foreigners are finding themselves in trouble because they are not familiar with local laws. Some nations have legalized marijuana, but cannabis is strictly illegal in South Korea.

Therefore, foreign residents here are urged to recognize the difference between foreign and Korean laws, and pay attention to the local regulations so that they don’t get punished for drug offences here.

With the global COVID-19 pandemic receding in recent months, the number of inbound and outbound tourists is rising, which in turn increases the movement of people beyond national boundaries. The problem is that the contactless lifestyle induced by the COVID-19 has also led to a spike of “untact” drug transactions among young people. This is a serious issue, as police find it harder to uncover criminal activities in which illegal drugs are traded through the dark web and paid for in cryptocurrency.

To combat drug-related crimes, the government has declared a war on drugs. The Korean National Police Agency and its affiliated organizations are not only strengthening its international investigation capabilities but also cracking down on narcotics crimes with severe punishment in order to eradicate drug crimes once and for all.

For instance, the Korean National Police Agency arrested one of South Korea's three major drug dealers in Vietnam after working together with Vietnam People’s Public Security for three years through Interpol, and brought him back to Korea for investigation.

Besides, the Korean National Police Agency is closely teaming up with the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and the International Drug Enforcement Conference, holding regional conferences with the Drug Enforcement Administration and sharing new information and investigation techniques.

Also, the Korean National Police Agency developed the “dark net intelligence system,” a system designed to uncover and battle drug crimes related to the dark web and cryptocurrency.

Moreover, the Korean National Police Agency is working hard to support drug treatment and rehabilitation by joining the Council for Narcotic Drugs with the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Ministry of Education, relevant ministries and NGOs.

As far as drugs are concerned, just a single mistake could destroy a person’s life. When some people try out a drug out of curiosity, they may say, “It is okay because it is only a one-time thing.” However, the very first act instantly turns into a lethal trap and people find themselves stuck.

Please stay alert and be cautious against illegal drugs and be informed that the country has very strong laws and regulations that severely punish drug-related crimes with zero tolerance.

For your sound mind and body, and for our communities and the public safety, stay away from the temptations of drugs. After all, we all have to use our free will wisely.

Kim Sang-kyun

Kim Sang-kyun is a police superintendent and chief of the foreign affairs section at Gyeonggi Bukbu Provincial Police Agency. -- Ed.

By Korea Herald (khnews@heraldcorp.com)


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