Biden sends letter of appreciation for Korea’s support on Ukraine

By Shin Ji-hye
Published : March 8, 2022 - 17:14

US President Joe Biden. Yonhap

US President Joe Biden sent a letter of appreciation to President Moon Jae-in for the South Korean government’s measures against Russia, including export controls and financial sanctions, over the Ukraine crisis, Cheong Wa Dae said Tuesday.

Biden said in a letter that “Korea’s determined measures will be a strong message that it supports Ukraine’s sovereignty,” Cheong Wa Dae spokesperson Park Kyung-mi said in a written briefing on the same day.

Biden stated in the letter that Korea’s decision to release strategic oil reserves demonstrates the strength of countries such as Korea and the US to stabilize the global energy market and achieve the common goal of energy security.

On March 2, member states of the International Energy Agency agreed to release 60 million barrels of stockpiled oil to relieve tensions in energy supply and demand triggered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The Korean government also expressed its intention to participate in this actively.

Biden also stated that South Korea’s leadership will continue to be important in safeguarding norms-based international order, according to the presidential office.

“Our government will continue to work closely with the international community for a peaceful resolution of the Ukraine crisis,” Park said.

Regarding the Ukraine crisis, Moon said at the State Council meeting on the day, “Uncertainty in the international order is growing, and concerns about the arrival of a new Cold War era are growing. It is difficult to predict how far the situation will expand and how long it will last.”

“It is rewarding to be able to contribute more to global tasks and international cooperation as our national power has grown, but it is also a burden that comes with it,” Moon said. “The government should put the national interest first and respond promptly while closely cooperating internationally.”

By Shin Ji-hye (shinjh@heraldcorp.com)


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