Ukraine committed to politico-diplomatic settlement

By Sanjay Kumar
Published : Feb. 20, 2022 - 16:54


Ukraine remains firmly committed to a politico-diplomatic settlement, maximizing efforts with partners to reduce tensions and keep the situation in line with diplomatic dialogue, the Ukrainian Embassy in Seoul said in a press statement Saturday. 

Tensions have mounted over Russia’s deployment of troops at Ukraine’s borders, with the United States and its allies warning of a package of sanctions against Moscow. 

The situation worsened after pro-Russia rebels shelled Ukrainian targets in the disputed eastern Donbas region.

In response to Russia’s accusation of Ukraine allegedly preparing an armed offensive in Donbas, the embassy clarified that Ukrainian nationals reside on both sides of the contact line, and that their peace, security and well-being are the absolute priority for Ukraine.

The embassy stated that allegations about the Ukrainian government’s intent to launch an offensive operation in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions are divorced from reality. Ukraine is also not conducting or planning any sabotage acts in Donbas, it added.

Ukraine sees Russia’s unfolding of its campaign as an attempt to disseminate massive disinformation and escalate the security situation, the embassy said. 

The statement accused Russia of exerting psychological pressure on the Ukrainian government and residents of temporarily occupied territories, by forming an information background that conceals Russia’s escalation of the security situation.

The Ukranian embassy stated that occupation administrations in the Donbas undermines the politico-diplomatic settlement process.
It called upon the international community, foreign states and international organisations to immediately condemn Russia’s provocations.

The embassy stressed that it’s high time for decisive actions to prevent a new wave of aggression against Ukraine, which will have destructive consequences not only for the security of Ukrainian nationals, but also that of all European nationals.

“The absence of a proper reaction or a neutral stance will only serve further escalation,” read the statement, urging Ukraine’s partners to immediately use deterrence measures against Russia, including sanctions that would force Russia to give up realization of its aggressive plans. 

The statement underlined that the international community now bears responsibility for the prevention of a new armed conflict in Europe.

By Sanjay Kumar (sanjaykumar@heraldcorp.com)


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