Trump touts relations with North Korea, plays down short-range missiles

By Choi He-suk
Published : Sept. 24, 2019 - 07:57
NEW YORK -- US President Donald Trump on Monday once again downplayed the significance of North Korea’s short-range missiles, saying that such weapons have never been part of US-North Korea discussions. 

President Moon jae-in and US President Donald Trump meet in New York on Monday. Yonhap

Speaking ahead of his summit with South Korean President Moon Jae-in in New York, Trump said that North Korea’s short-range missiles are on the South Korea-US summit agenda, but downplayed their significance hinting that the matter is of little concern to the US.

“We didn’t have agreement on short range missiles. A lot of people and a lot of countries test short range missiles, there is nothing spectacular about that,” Trump said, referring to US-North Korea talks.

Despite North Korea’s series of short-range ballistic missiles tests, which the UN considers as being in violation of UN resolutions, Trump has repeatedly expressed that he is unfazed by the projectiles.

“We are going to look at it. But I didn’t really discuss that with Kim Jong-un. That was never part of discussion. We have discussed nuclear testing and other things. And frankly and he has lived up to his word on those things.”

Trump also took the opportunity to highlight his relationship with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, saying that current US-North Korea relations does not warrant further actions on the regime.

“I‘m not considering actions. We’re getting along very well with North Korea. I have a good relationship with Kim Jong-un. And we‘re not considering actions at all. There’s no reason for actions,” Trump said, adding that had he not been elected the US would be at war with North Korea.

By Choi He-suk 
Korea Herald correspondent 

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