Battery business to gain further momentum in ‘fourth industrial revolution’ era: Samsung SDI

By Kim Da-sol
Published : July 1, 2018 - 17:12
South Korea’s leading auto components maker Samsung SDI pledged to use the ongoing technological progress in the industrial world to add fuel to its battery business, officials said Sunday.

Samsung SDI CEO Jun Young-hyun (left) poses with Kim Dong-chun, head of Sung Shiim Won, a child care center in Yongin, for an opening of Dream Academy. (Samsung SDI)

“The advent of the ‘fourth industrial revolution’ is an opportunity for bigger growth. The importance of battery will only grow, since the hyper-connectivity will play a key role in connecting things, people and spaces,” Samsung SDI CEO Jun Young-hyun said during a ceremony on Friday.

The event, attended by some 250 executive members and employees, was held at the manufacturing complex in Giheung, Yongin, in celebration of the company‘s 48th anniversary of establishment. 

“Sustainable growth exists in an ecosystem where officials earn trust and make satisfaction together. That’s why we should continue to expand communication and make growth in harmony with a society,” the CEO added. 

The company also hosted a volunteer campaign in June with a message to return to the community under a slogan of “a company that adds value to the world,” according to officials.

As part of such vision, the company opened an information technology academy titled Dream Academy in Yongin, seeking to support children who spend time in day care centers.

“I hope more children will have access to IT education and computers at Dream Academy so they may face a new world and make their dreams come true,” Jun said. 



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