Haley: Trump demands China cut off oil supply to N. Korea after missile test

By Yonhap
Published : Nov. 30, 2017 - 09:31
NEW YORK -- US President Donald Trump demanded Wednesday that Chinese President Xi Jinping cut off the country's oil supply to North Korea in response to Pyongyang's latest test of an intercontinental ballistic missile, the US ambassador to the United Nations said.

"President Trump called Chinese President Xi this morning and told him we have come to the point that China must cut off its oil from North Korea," Amb. Nikki Haley said during an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council. "That will be a pivotal step in the world efforts to stop this international pariah."

After China briefly severed its oil supply in 2003, North Korea came to the negotiating table, she said. 

"Many countries made some big economic and political sacrifices by cutting its ties with North Korea. They did that to serve the peace and security (of the world). ... We now turn to President Xi to also take that stance," she said.

US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley. (AP-Yonhap)

"Through sanctions, we have cut off 90 percent of North Korean trade and 30 percent of its oil, but the crude oil remains. The major supplier of that oil is China."

The ambassador continued, "China could do this on its own, or we can take all situation into our own hands," alluding to further US action against North Korea in the absence of a Chinese response.

The UN envoy also called "on all nations to cut off all ties with North Korea" in the UNSC emergency meeting that opened hours after North Korea's launch of a new missile on Wednesday (Korean time), which it said could reach anywhere in the US

"In addition to implementing all UN sanctions, all countries should sever diplomatic relations with North Korea," she said and urged the Security Council to revoke the North's voting rights at the UN

The US does not seek war with North Korea, the ambassador stated, but she warned that "The dictator of North Korea made a choice yesterday that brings us closer to war, not father from it."

"If war comes, make no mistake: The North Korean regime will be utterly destroyed," she said.

Referring to North Korea's declaration of its completion of "state nuclear force," the ambassador noted that "the North Korean regime misses something very important."

"Being a nuclear power comes with certain standards. It comes with being responsible enough to know that you don't threaten other countries with nuclear weapons. You don't starve your own people in order to fund nuclear weapons. You don't bully or play games with nuclear weapons," Haley said. "(But) the regime has shown time and again that it doesn't wanna talk."

In the UNSC meeting, meanwhile, the Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia called on Pyongyang to stop its nuclear and missile tests and urged the US and South Korea to suspend their joint military exercises in December in return.

The Russian ambassador said the actions would inflame an already explosive situation, calling for restraint among concerned countries.

The Security Council is highly likely to adopt a press or presidential statement in condemnation of the latest North Korean missile test as it has done in past cases. (Yonhap)


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