Choo calls on Moon's security advisor to rev up diplomacy for peninsular peace

By Korea Herald
Published : May 30, 2017 - 16:15

The ruling party leader on Tuesday called on President Moon Jae-in's top security advisor to rev up diplomacy to promote peace on the peninsula amid North Korea's unrelenting saber-rattling.

During a courtesy call by Chung Eui-yong, the chief of the National Security Office, Choo Mi-ae, the chairwoman of the Democratic Party, also underscored the need to pursue a "comprehensive and balanced" approach toward security issues.

Choo Mi-ae (left), the chairwoman of the ruling Democratic Party, speaks with Chung Eui-yong, the chief of the National Security Office during his courtesy call to Choo at the National Assembly in Seoul on May 30, 2017. (Yonhap)

"The role of the NSO chief does not rest only on the defense and security realms ... It requires a comprehensive and balanced role that also covers unification and diplomatic policies," Choo told Chung.

"In this regard, what is needed is strategic assistance for the president so that (the country) can appropriately deliver our (diplomatic) stance to four major powers," she added.

Noting Chung's expertise in trade and multilateral diplomacy, the party leader also expressed expectations that he could play a crucial role in fostering stability on the peninsula that has long been undermined by the North's relentless provocations.

"Though there have been the North's reckless missile provocations, it is the new government that can enable dialogue or negotiations (with the North) should it call again for an end (to the provocations) and come to the dialogue or negotiating table," she said.

In response, Chung stressed the need to remove "the dangers of an armed clash" with the North.

"As the president has repeatedly said, it is important for us to maintain close cooperation with parliament as well as the ruling party," he said. "We will cooperate with the party on crucial diplomatic and security issues."

Chung served as a lawmaker from 2004-2008 and ambassador to Geneva from 2001-2004. He also dealt with trade affairs while serving at the foreign ministry. (Yonhap)


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