Sri Lankan wins LG award for saving life

By Korea Herald
Published : March 15, 2017 - 18:18
LG Foundation said it gave a humanitarian award Tuesday to a Sri Lankan worker who saved an elderly woman from a house fire last month.

Katabilla Ketiye Ge-Dara Nimal Siri, 39, jumped into the burning house in Gunui, North Gyeongsang Province, on Feb. 10, after hearing that a woman in the village where he was working was trapped by a fire and could not escape.

Though he saved her life, he was hospitalized for burns on his face and lung damage.

Katabilla Ketiye Ge-Dara Nimal Siri (LG Foundation)

In recognition of his act, the foundation has offered 30 million won ($26,200) to him. He is the first foreign recipient of the award, the foundation said.

“He could have lost his life in a foreign land where he has no family, but jumped into the blaze without any hesitation. His courageous action will become an example for neighborly love,” an LG official said.

By Cho Chung-un (christory@heraldcorp.com)


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