Ruling party to pick presidential candidate in 20 days if Park is ousted

By KH디지털2
Published : Feb. 20, 2017 - 11:47

South Korea's ruling Liberty Korea Party said Monday that it plans to pick its presidential candidate within 20 days if the Constitutional Court approves the ouster of the president.

"We can only begin the process to pick the candidate if the earlier-than-expected election is confirmed," an official from the ruling party said. "If that happens, we will select the candidate 40 days before the election."

The logo of South Korea's ruling Liberty Korea Party (Yonhap)

President Park Geun-hye was impeached by the parliament in December due to her alleged link to the corruption scandal. If the Constitutional Court accepts the ouster, South Korea has 60 days to hold a presidential election.

The party has been sluggish in rolling out strategies for the presidential election as it is against the ouster of Park.

The conservative party is suffering from a lack of popular figures, especially after some 30 lawmakers left the party to establish their own group, the Bareun Party.

So far, a handful of figures from the ruling party have announced their presidential ambitions, including Rep. Won Yoo-chul and former six-term lawmaker Rhee In-je.

Pundits said the party may consider limiting the number of potential candidates to around five, as it may be flooded with presidential hopefuls amid the lack of a clear front-runner. (Yonhap)


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