Presidential office urges parliament to initiate talks on Park's fate

By 임정요
Published : Dec. 1, 2016 - 11:18

The presidential office Cheong Wa Dae on Thursday urged parliament to promptly carry out cross-party negotiations to decide when and how President Park Geun-hye will resign over a high-profile corruption scandal involving herself and her longtime friend.

Earlier this week, the embattled leader pledged to bow out in accordance with a timetable and procedures which she asked the National Assembly to set up in a way that minimizes any vacuum in state affairs.


"We hope the National Assembly will swiftly hold discussions (on the timetable and procedures for Park's resignation)," Jung Youn-kun, presidential spokesman, told reporters.

Despite Park's call for the legislature to determine her fate, opposition parties have dug in their heels, vowing to close ranks and push for Park's impeachment.

Yet, some lawmakers of the ruling Saenuri Party, who were initially in favor of impeachment, are now leaning towards Park's early resignation to pave the way for a stable government transition.

In the morning, Rep. Kim Moo-sung, a former Saenuri head and prominent rival of Park within the party, held talks with Choo Mi-ae, the leader of the main opposition Democratic Party, to try to close a gap between the two sides. But they failed to agree, as Kim expressed his intention to time Park's resignation for the end of April next year, while Choo said Park must step down by the end of January. (Yonhap)


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