THAAD not helpful to inter-Korean relations: Russian envoy

By 임정요
Published : Oct. 12, 2016 - 13:47
Moscow's top envoy to Seoul said Wednesday the deployment of an advanced US missile defense system in South Korea will not help improve inter-Korean relationships, reiterating the country's negative stance on the move.

During the meeting with Lee Jung-hyun, the head of the ruling Saenuri Party, Ambassador Alexander Timonin said the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system is a part of the United States' broader missile defense system, adding Moscow is against the decision.

Timonin, however, added Russia is against North Korea's nuclear-related activities that violates international resolutions, adding the inter-Korean issues can be solved through political and diplomatic approaches.

Lee Jung-hyun (R), the head of the ruling Saenuri Party, and Ambassador Alexander Timonin of Russia pose for a photo at Seoul-based National Assembly on Oct. 12. (Yonhap)

The Saenuri head said he wishes to express gratitude to Russia on the country's efforts to strongly condemn Pyongyang's development of nukes, adding he also hopes Moscow will take an active part in curbing such weapons down the road.

Lee said talks with the Russian ambassador aims to exchange ideas with neighboring countries amid rising tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

The Saenuri head is set to meet Beijing's envoy later this month and share ideas on how to tackle Chinese fishing boats operating illegally in South Korean waters. (Yonhap)


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