‘The longest night in Turkey: Aborted putsch against constitutional order’

By Korea Herald
Published : July 25, 2016 - 00:05
By Turkish Ambassador to Korea Arslan Hakan Okcal

What had unfolded on the night of July 15 in Turkey was a failed attempt by a small faction of our armed forces to subvert our democratically elected government and constitutional order.

This revolt was unrelated to the vast majority of our military. The plotters were defeated by our brave compatriots, who took to the streets in droves to defend Turkey’s democracy. I am pleased to note that law and order have been swiftly restored and the culprits are being brought to justice through our courts.

The rebels are known to be followers of Fethullah Gulen, who has led an underground cartel dubbed, “Fethullah Gulen Terrorist Organization.” Under Gulen’s instructions, the clique had germinated insurgent elements within our state apparatus, mainly in the armed forces and security branches. Its umbrella organizations and commercial entities abroad are supplying the FETO with financial resources.

Unmasking their treachery, the mutineers bombed the symbols of our state and democracy, including the Office of the President and the Turkish Grand National Assembly with F-16 fighter jets. Out of desperation, the traitors pointed their tanks, aircraft, helicopters and machineguns at our citizens whom they were supposed to protect. Tragically, 208 of our patriots and servicepersons lost their lives.

Turkish Ambassador to Korea Arslan Hakan Okcal (Turkish Embassy)

From the very start, our military, from the top brass through to the rank and file, emphatically objected and obstructed the mutineers’ anarchic destruction. Our armed forces firmly stood by the people, the president, the government, the constitution and democratic institutions.

All four political parties in our Grand National Assembly cleaved to the constitutional order, adopting a joint declaration defending our democracy during an emergency meeting of the General Assembly on July 16.

Currently judicial processes are underway to enforce justice upon the anarchists. Necessary measures are being put in place, with due adherence to principles of human rights, fundamental freedoms and the rule of law, as prescribed by Turkish laws.

In the context of efforts to restore law, order and security, a nationwide state of emergency has been declared on July 21 for three months, in strict observance of our constitution. Such measures were indispensable for efficiently safeguarding our republic as well as our rights and freedoms.

Righteously, the Republic of Korea -- a blood-sealed ally of Turkey through thick and thin -- has promptly lent its support during the difficult times. Korea’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement condemning the coup attempt and expressed its solidarity and support for the recovery of Turkey’s democratic and constitutional orders.

Turkey -- as founding member of the United Nations and the Council of Europe, member of NATO, OSCE, OECD and G20, accession candidate for the European Union and close partner of Korea through the MIKTA group -- will always remain a trusted leading actor of the international community. We will continue to promote peace, stability and democracy around the globe.

Edited by Joel Lee (joel@heraldcorp.com)


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