LG Electronics partners with Volkswagen for connected car platform

By Kim Young-won
Published : July 7, 2016 - 13:58
[THE INVESTOR] LG Electronics said July 7 that it would join forces with German carmaker Volkswagen to develop a platform for connected cars.

The South tech firm recently signed a partnership deal with VW to develop a smart car platform allowing drivers to directly connect their cars over cloud systems with other connected devices at home. 

Smart car solution on a screen. LG Electronics

“LG’s expertise in smart technology and VW’s leading automotive tech will pave new ways for drivers to communicate with their cars,” said Richard Choi, head of LG’s cloud center.

Under the deal, LG would be responsible for developing systems enabling drivers to monitor and control their home appliances behind the wheel. For example, while driving, users can turn on heating systems and lights, and even operate washing machines.

By Kim Young-won (wone0102@heraldcorp.com)


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