Patricide siblings chat with inmates

By 임정요
Published : May 16, 2016 - 17:53

The pair of siblings being accused of murdering their father on Parents’ Day in Korea are reportedly satisfied with the food they were served in the detention cell, according to the police on Monday.

The police said that while the suspects continued their silence at an on-site inspection on Sunday, making it difficult to gain more insights into the case, they were talkative with other inmates that shared their cell.

At mealtimes, the 43-year-old brother had reportedly responded animatedly to the food he was served. 


“There were times I was hungry but had nothing to eat so much so that I put seaweed slices in water to let them bloat before I ate them,” said the man, according to the police. “If I had eaten as well as I do here now, I would never have suffered from tinnitus.”

The suspect also let slip to the police that he had once attempted to take his own life by swallowing a few hundred medicine pills. However, the man became angry when the police probed further.

The case will be passed on to the prosecution, along with the acquired evidence and test results, around Tuesday.

The brother tried to show his face to the media. (Yonhap)

Although no substantial progress was made during Sunday’s on-site inspection, the police did find the victim’s bank account balance book and house deed documents hidden beneath a sofa.

The siblings, who were present during the police’s discovery, had grown visibly angry although they did not explain why they were upset.

The police later found out the suspects spoke to their cell inmates, accusing the authorities of attempting to steal their money.

Several people close to the victim have testified that the siblings had tried to extort money from their father. The police are suspecting money as the key murder motive.

According to article 1004, clause 1 of Korean civil law, those who murder or intend to murder someone related to inheritance are deprived of their right to it.

By Lim Jeong-yeo (kaylalim@heraldcorp.com)

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