Patient assaults nurse, starts fire after he was stopped smoking

By 임정요
Published : May 10, 2016 - 14:21

A patient who assaulted a nurse and started a fire in the hospital he was in after she was stopped from smoking was sentenced 2 years in prison on Tuesday.

Jeonju district court said the 48-year-old man surnamed Kim had turned violent when the nurse on night-duty found him smoking in the hospital and confiscated his lighter and cigarettes.  


Kim punched the nurse and started a fire in the hospital, which resulted in 4-week hospitalization for the nurse and more than 30 million won ($25,000) damage to the hospital. Seven patients inhaled smoke, which might have exacerbated their existing medical conditions, the court pointed out.

Kim was admitted to the hospital in early February for pneumonia and committed the crime after staying there about 2 weeks.

By Lim Jeong-yeo (kaylalim@heraldcorp.com)


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