Mexico, Korea strengthen strategic partnership

By KH디지털1
Published : April 4, 2016 - 13:24
The following was contributed by Jose Luis Bernal, the Mexican ambassador to Korea. -- Ed.

The people and government of Mexico warmly welcome President Park Geun-hye’s state visit to our country from Saturday to Tuesday. We are convinced that Park’s encounter with her counterpart President Enrique Pena Nieto, along with the bilateral business forum in Mexico City, will open new ways of friendship and collaboration. Her visit will enhance our strategic partnership forged over the last 10 years.

The visit takes place at a moment in which the world’s economy and security face new challenges everywhere. The hallmark event can support our collaborative development goals and commitment to international peace and prosperity.

Korea and Mexico are emerging actors on the world stage, assuming broader responsibilities and promoting mutual cooperation in economic, political and cultural relations. We are among the 15 largest economies in the world and recognized for our tireless activism in global affairs.

Jose Luis Bernal, Mexican Ambassador to Korea (Mexican Embassy)

For Mexico, several factors contribute to our continuous ascendancy as an economic and social powerhouse: our privileged geographic location; vast natural resources and biodiversity; a dynamic population with an expanding middle class; political and macroeconomic stabilities; steady industrialization supported by a skilled workforce; and a growing domestic market linked to the world economy through over 45 free trade agreements.

Furthermore, Mexicans continue to confront their domestic and external challenges with determination, as demonstrated by new structural reforms covering education, telecommunications, energy, taxation, bureaucratic transparency, labor, elections and justice. Mexico has also promoted numerous infrastructure programs through public-private partnership.

Mexico and Korea have strengthened every aspect of our strategic alliance that our leaders launched in 2005. As a result, our bilateral trade reached over $17 billion last year, with Korea being Mexico’s sixth-largest international trading partner.

In addition, more than 1,700 joint ventures are underway in Mexico, proof of Korean companies choosing our country as an ideal investment destination in Latin America. The high-level trade delegation on the state visit will meet potential partners during the forum.

Increasing numbers of Koreans and Mexicans are discovering their cultural affinities and sharing ways of enjoying life. Celebration of Mexican culture in Korea takes a variety of forms, and Mexican cuisine is becoming increasingly popular. The same is true of Korean culture and food, with Mexicans allured to Korean gastronomy, K-pop and taekwondo. These mutual attractions have helped buoy two-way visits between our countries, with 15,000 Mexicans coming to Korea and 90,000 Koreans visiting Mexico last year. 

At the core of these vibrant exchanges lie intense political dialogues that occur regularly. Presidents Park and Pena Nieto met several times at various multilateral meetings over the last three years. Our common interests are reflected in our promotion of the Global Agenda for Development, one among many other collaborations.

A key part of our cooperation occurs through MIKTA -- a group of the like-minded, middle-power nations of Mexico, Indonesia, Korea, Turkey and Australia -- which aim to exert positive influences multilaterally for the world. Together, we serve as bridges between developed and less-developed countries, springboards for good international governance and bulwarks for global security.

During their summit in Mexico City, both our leaders will undoubtedly reconfirm our many bonds that have bound us together. They will reaffirm our commitment to development, long-lasting cooperation and friendship, as well as the fundamentals of our strategic partnership for the 21st century. 

Edited by Joel Lee (joel@heraldcorp.com)


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