Pyongyang claims to have developed H-bomb

By Korea Herald
Published : Jan. 6, 2016 - 11:39

North Korea on Wednesday claimed that it has successfully developed a hydrogen bomb, saying that the earthquake detected in its northwestern region was impact from a test. 

According to announcements from Pyongyang’s official news agency, the regime has developed a hydrogen bomb, and warned the U.S. and other nations.

Saying that the newly developed weapon was “hydrogen bomb of justice,” the news agency also said that North Korea is seeking peace and that it will not use nuclear weapons unless provoked.

A 5.1-magnitude artificial earthquake occurred in North Korea, seismic analysis centers in Europe, the U.S. and China reported on Wednesday, raising the possibility of the communist state conducting a fourth nuclear test.

According to the European Mediterranean Seismological Center, the U.S. Geological Survey and China’s state seismic center, the earthquake’s epicenter is in Yangang Province in the country’s northeast. They said the earthquake took place at 10:30 a.m.

The origin of the earthquake detected in North Korea. Yonhap

The North conducted underground nuclear tests in 2006, 2009 and 2013.

A senior Seoul official said it would seek close cooperation with the U.S. and China over the issue, and that if Pyongyang is confirmed to have conducted a nuclear test, a U.N. Security Council session will open to discuss the issue.

Cheong Wa Dae is set to convene a Security Council Session at noon.

“The artificial earthquake occurred near Punggye-ri, the North’s nuclear site. It has yet to be confirmed whether it was a nuclear test or not,” the official told reporters on the customary condition of anonymity. “We will analyze it to see if it is really a nuclear test. And then we will take due steps.”

Seoul’s Foreign Ministry’s division in charge of the peninsular peace affairs has turned itself into an emergency mode. It has contacted related agencies from its U.S. and Chinese counterparts to confirm if the earthquake was caused by a nuclear test.

The earthquake took place after a flurry of news reports said the North successfully conducted a test on a submarine-launched ballistic missile, which would pose a graver security challenge to South Korea and the U.S.

By Song Sang-ho (sshluck@heraldcorp.com)

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