SK hynix engages in voluntary activities in Cambodia

By 김영원
Published : Dec. 21, 2015 - 18:07
SK hynix employees participated in a two-month voluntary program in Cambodia by paying visits to local schools and welfare facilities to give away educational kits and donations, and participate in cultural exchange events, according to the chipmaker Monday.

The outreach program held in Siem Reap in northwestern Cambodia from Oct. 18 to Dec. 19 was aimed at helping SK hynix employees get global mindsets and supporting local children in need.

SK hynix employees take part in a two-month voluntary program from Oct. 18 in Siem Reap, Cambodia. (SK hynix)

Woo Jong-wook, senior manager and one of the 600 participants in the voluntary program, said, “I felt grateful to see the children’s big smiles during the event.”

The Seoul-based chip manufacturer has been conducting a number of corporate responsibility programs at home and abroad for years.

In a bid to revitalize the traditional markets in Korea, the company donated vouchers, worth 600 million won ($509,400), to local communities in Cheongju, North Chungcheong Province, where the firm’s manufacturing complex is located.

The chipmaker topped the list of companies that run the best CSR programs in Korea earlier this year, beating other rivals including Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics.

A CSR fund voluntarily created by SK hynix’s executives and employees since 2011 has been serving an exemplar for other companies here.

SK hynix employees take part in a two-month voluntary program from Oct. 18 in Siem Reap, Cambodia. (SK hynix)

By Kim Young-won (wone0102@heraldcorp.com)


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