Science ministers to tackle global issues

By 김영원
Published : Oct. 18, 2015 - 16:44

The OECD Ministerial Meeting Daejeon 2015 and World Science and Technology Forum will kick off in Daejeon on Monday.

Ministers, scientists, and officials from international organizations will gather in the city, often dubbed as an innovation hub in South Korea, to discuss how to achieve sustainable economic growth and to address global challenges including climate change and poverty through science and technology.

First ICT Vice Minister Lee Seok-jun speaks Friday about programs for the science conference in Gwacheon, Gyeonggi Province. (ICT Ministry)

More than 3,000 participants from 60 nations are expected to join the five-day event, consisting of science forums, panel discussions and information and communication technology exhibits.

“Hosting the OECD ministerial meeting in Korea is a great opportunity for the nation as it will advance the nation’s status in the world’s science and technology sectors,” said an official from the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, the organizer of the event.

Korea, which has risen up as one of the world’s economic and ICT powerhouses from the rubbles of the 1950-53 Korean War, will serve as an exemplar of development achieved through its science and technological advancements, the official explained.

During the ministerial meeting, the science and technology chiefs of the world’s governments will explore successful science and technology policies and projects, and discuss ways to make effective investments in the science and technology sectors.

Other discussion subjects include how to utilize information technology, including big data, for open science, as well as new biotechnology and sustainable future technology to protect the environment.

This year’s ministerial meeting is being held outside Paris -- headquarters of the Organization of Economic Development and Cooperation -- for the first time in the organization’s history.

The ministerial meeting has not been held since 2004 due to the global financial crisis.

Panelists participate in a session at the OECD Global Forum in May in Paris. (ICT Ministry)

“What is more meaningful is that the Daejeon meeting will be the largest of its kind to ever take place, since it includes not only OECD member states, but also OECD partners and members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations,” an official from the preparatory organization said.

The OECD partners include Argentina, Brazil, China and India, while the ASEAN members include the Philippines, Singapore and Malaysia.

Officials from international organizations such as the World Bank, European Commission, and Inter-American Development Bank will take part in the discussion sessions.

Through the Daejeon Declaration, a joint statement to be issued on the final day of the meeting, the global science and technology ministers are expected to vow to work together to help advance the science and technology capabilities of developing nations.

“The government will spare no effort to reach consensus among the participating nations to set long-term directions for the growth of the global science and technology sectors,” the ministry said.

After the Monday forum in which scientists and researchers will discuss a wide range of subjects including energy, smart manufacturing, and the Internet of Things, the OECD Ministerial Meeting Daejeon 2015 will take place alongside other events including a tech trade fair and cultural performances.

The forum has also invited a number of prominent officials in the field including Jeremy Rifikin, an economist and author of “Entropy” and “The Zero Marginal Cost Society”; Aaron Ciechanover, 2004 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry; and Jim Newton, chief executive of TechShop, a membership-based workshop that provides members tools and equipment.

By Kim Young-won  (wone0102@heraldcorp.com)



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