SAP Korea showcases IT solutions for health care, sports

By 김영원
Published : Aug. 13, 2015 - 16:20

Leading IT solutions developer SAP Korea said Thursday it would step up efforts to develop systems that can bring positive changes to sports and health care industries.

Holding the “Hyper Connected Healthcare Conference in Seoul,” the company offered visions to deploy big data and cloud technologies in the two sectors.

“The advancement in Internet of Things technologies has brought innovations in multiple industries and fields,” said Hyoung Won-joon, managing director of the Korean office of SAP.

“The IT solutions powered by SAP HANA will provide great opportunities for the local companies to take the lead in the global market.”

SAP HANA is a database management system that does real-time aggregation and analytics of high volumes of data.

IT solutions developer SAP Korea holds the “Hyper Connected Healthcare Conference,” in Seoul, Thursday. The company introduces data analytics systems that be deployed in health care and sports industries at the event. (SAP Korea)

Introduced at the event was SAP Injury Risk Monitor which manages and track sports players’ physical conditions as well as predict and prevent possible injuries via live demonstration sessions.

The live demo sessions, for example, include a soccer player conducting different drills wearing a sensor-mounted biometric vest. The data collected during the drills are sent to and analyzed by the SAP HANA memory platform, and the system forecast the probability of injury.

Attending at the Seoul-event, Martin Burger, SAP’s senior industry advisor of health care, introduced a SAP Disease Tracking and Analytics solution, which can be used to gather and analyze information of diseases, including the Middle East respiratory syndrome.

Sun Ho-chang, team leader of mobile carrier SK Telecom’s LBS new business unit, said in his keynote speech that “prediction and prevention of diseases will receive more spotlight down the road and IoT solutions will play important roles for those matters.

By Kim Young-won(wone0102@heraldcorp.com)


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