Russia salutes ‘Fatherland Defender’s Day’

By Korea Herald
Published : March 1, 2015 - 18:32
The Russian Embassy held a reception on Monday to commemorate veterans and servicemen of its armed forces.

“In celebrating our national holiday today ― the Fatherland Defender’s Day ― we pay tribute to our veterans who fought on the battlefields to defend our country’s freedom and independence,” newly appointed Russian Ambassador to Korea Alexander Timonin said in a keynote speech at Millennium Seoul Hilton.

“We also congratulate the officers and soldiers of our glorious armed forces who have set an example of honest and faithful service for the well-being of our citizens.”

Timonin previously served as an ambassador to North Korea from 2012-14 and minister-counselor to South Korea from 2000-04 and 2006-11. 

Russian Ambassador to Korea Alexander Timonin (center) poses with military attaches from the Russian Embassy and members of Korea’s Joint Forces Military University in Daejeon at the Fatherland Defender’s Day reception at Millennium Seoul Hilton on Monday. (Joel Lee/The Korea Herald)

He was appointed the new ambassador to Korea last December, replacing Konstantin Vnukov.

The holiday was introduced in 1919 to commemorate the first mass draft into the Red Army on Feb 17, 1918, as part of the Russian Civil War (1917-22). After several date and name changes, it was given its current name and decreed a national holiday by Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2002.

“Under present conditions, our country is strengthening its position as a democratically, economically and militarily strong nation,” the ambassador said. “Russia has consistently advocated the formation of democratic, equitable and polycentric world order, excluding interference in the internal affairs of other states.”

Timonin has written a number of books and articles on peace and security and multilateral economic cooperation in Korea and Northeast Asia. He participated in the six-party talks aimed at denuclearizing North Korea as a deputy head of the Russian delegation from 2004-06.

The ambassador noted that an integral part of Russia-Korea relations was military cooperation not directed against third countries.

“I am confident that further expanding our bilateral relations and military contacts will contribute to peace and security on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia,” he said.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Russia and South Korea and Russia’s 70th anniversary of defeating Nazi Germany.

A grand-scale national event is scheduled in Moscow on May 9, to which international leaders, including South Korean President Park Geun-hye and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, have been invited.

By Joel Lee (joel@heraldcorp.com)


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