구글 ‘아시아가 모바일 세계 중심이 될 것’

By 이희주
Published : Nov. 5, 2014 - 14:25
구글 회장 에릭 슈미트가 4일 타이완에서 열린 모바일 퍼스트 월드 행사에서 아시아가 모바일 세계의 중심에 서게 될 것이라고 말했다.

그는 기조연설 중 “아시아에서 차세대 소프트웨어 회사들이 나올 가능성이 크며, 이 회사들은 아시아를 넘어 글로벌 기업으로 거듭날 것이다” 라고 전했다.

또한 아시아 지역에서 뛰어난 인력과 하드웨어 기술로 라인, 위챗, 카카오톡과 같은 모바일 메신저 앱이 개발됐듯이, 앞으로는 정교한 소프트웨어 기술이 미국 등의 서방 국가에서 아시아 국가 중심으로 빠르게 전환될 것이라 예상했다. 

에릭 슈미트는 “세계는 지금 모바일 기기로 모든 일이 처리되는 ‘모바일 온리’ 시대가 열리는 것을 목격하고 있다”고 덧붙이며, PC시대의 종말을 알리기도 했다.

한편, 구글 크리스 예가 아시아 태평양 엔지니어링 부사장은 아태지역의 모바일 기술 트렌드에 대해 발표를 했다. 그는 아시아 내 어플리케이션 개발자들의 수가 지난 2년 사이 3배로 늘었으며, 그 중 한국인 개발자 증가 속도가 압도적이라고 말했다.

이번 행사에는 모바일 서비스 기업인 요기요, 컴투스, 위고의 관계자들도 참석해 구글 플레이를 기반으로 하는 서비스에 대해 발표하기도 했다.

(코리아헤럴드 김영원 기자/타이페이)

Asia to become global software champion: Eric Schmidt

Google executive chairman forecasts ‘mobile-only world’ on horizon

TAIPEI -- The Asian region will emerge as the hub of software development in the mobile world, replacing traditional powerhouses like the U.S., said Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt.

“It should be possible for the next generation of software companies to emerge from Asia and they could transform from a regional champion to a global champion,” he said in a video conference at the Mobile First World, a global media conference, held in Taipei, Taiwan Tuesday.

He said the shift from the West represented by the U.S. to the Asian region would pick up its pace, as the latter -- which has the people and hardware -- will likely be equipped with sophisticated software capability as seen in mobile messenger apps like WeChat, Line and KakaoTalk.

Responding to questions on a variety of topics, from smartphones to the Internet of Things, the Google executive chairman said a ‘mobile-only world’ is on the horizon.

“We are beginning to see ‘mobile-only world,’ meaning that all the functionalities are in the mobile devices, and you may have a website for some management works,” he said, hinting that the PC era is coming to an end.

With the smart devices becoming more pervasive in developing nations, the technology will bring a variety of economic and cultural changes to these countries, he added.

Echoing Schmidt, Chris Yerga, a vice president of engineering at the U.S.-based firm, said, “Within the Google Play ecosystem, there has been a threefold growth in the number of developers from Asia in the last two years.”

The number of Korean developers on the Android platform has tripled in the past two years, and Korea is now one of the top five countries in the world in terms of the number of developers on Google Play, a mobile application market, according to the U.S.-based Internet giant.

In his keynote speech at the event, Song Jae-joon, senior executive vice president of South Korean game developer Com2uS, talked about the role of the Google Play platform in helping his company enter the global markets.

“Our second quarter revenue doubled this year with the global revenue accounting for 68 percent of Com2uS‘ entire sales thanks to Google Play,” the senior vice president said.

By utilizing the Android platform, he said, the game company was able to realize the ’glocalization‘ of content and services, including language and social networking services.

“We will try to increase our presence in the global markets via Google Play.” 

By Kim Young-won
Korea Herald correspondent



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