수박 칼로리, 올 여름 '수박 다이어트' 도전?

By 신용배
Published : July 14, 2014 - 20:09

수박 칼로리가 화제다.

최근 그룹 투애니원 박봄은 수박 다이어트로 큰 효과를 본 것으로 알려져 관심을 모으고 있다.

수박은 100g당 31칼로리로 지방 함량이 없고 수분이 대부분이어서 다이어트에 효과적이다.

또 수박은 찬 성질의 과일로 몸 속 열을 내리고 갈증을 멎게 하며 이뇨작용과 혈액순환에 도움이 된다.

특히 수박 껍질에는 '시트룰린'이라는 아미노산이 풍부해 부종을 가라앉혀주고 수분, 과당, 포도당 역시 풍부해 건조한 피부를 촉촉하게 가꿔주는 데 좋다.

수박 칼로리를 접한 네티즌은 "수박 칼로리, 오늘 수박 한 통 사가야겠다", "수박 칼로리, 수박 제일 좋아", "수박 칼로리, 칼로리가 많이 착하네" 등의 반응을 보였다. (onlinenews@heraldcorp.com)



Five facts you didn’t know about watermelons


Summer reminds everyone of watermelons. That might be because of the bright red flesh or sweet taste the watermelons offer. They also contain 20 percent of the body’s daily intake of vitamin C and 17 percent of the daily intake of vitamin A. Watermelons also regulate blood pressure and digestion. If these facts surprise you, you might be even more surprised that July is National Watermelon Month. Here are five other facts that people don’t know much about, reveals the Huffington Post.

The juice is good for relieving muscle soreness

A study found out that “drinking watermelon juice can be soothing after a grueling workout. “ It’s also helpful to drink it before workout sessions. That’s because watermelon contains citrulline, a substance that helps reduce blood pressure and improves artery function. But if you want these effects you have to eat the rind, where most of the citrulline is. If it’s difficult to eat the rind you can save it for pickling.

It’s a fruit and vegetable at the same time

Watermelons, like other fruits, is a seed-producing plant and tastes sweet. But the edible rind categorizes it into the cucurbitaceae family, where most pumpkins belong.

It’s a ‘lycopene bomb’

Watermelons are “lycopene bombs.” Tomatoes are known as the “king of lycopeness” but watermelons have even more. Lycopene is a super antioxidant, stopping free radicals from damaging cells and messing with the immune system. Some research also implies that they might prevent some types of cancer and heart disease. If you want to consume as much lycopene as possible, leave the watermelon at room temperature before eating.

Like the name says, it contains a lot of water

Watermelons are 91.5 percent water. If the body gets dehydrated even just slightly, it can lead to headaches, a lack of concentration and even more negative effects. A slice of watermelon can help in these situations.

There’s a yellow version

Everyone knows that watermelons are red inside but there is also a yellow version. The flesh is yellow and tastes sweet like honey. But there is little known about what nutrition they contain since studies were all conducted on red ones.

By Cho Han-na, Intern reporter (hnncho@heraldcorp.com)


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