Triangle UFO over Texas (Credit: Dean Muskett)
최근 미국 텍사스주 상공에서 발견된 미확 인 비행물체가 미군의 새 정찰기일 수 있다는 설이 제기됐다.
New military plane or UFO?
Avation experts and UFO conspirators have been perplexed by photographs of a mysterious flying object in US air space, Metro reported.
According to the report, Grainy images showed a triangular blob with a long vapour trail flying through the clear blue skies above Amarillo, Texas next to another contrail left before it.
Defence technology blog Ares claimed this could be one of the rare times that a classified military plane has been photographed.
As far as I know, this sort of thing has happened only once since 1956,’ explained blogger Bill Sweetman, the report said. (