아리아나 허핑턴(연합)
미국 최대 온라인미디어 허핑턴포스트를 창립한 아리아나 허핑턴(63)이 영국 일간지 가디언에 스마트폰 사용을 비판한 칼럼을 실었다.
‘Smartphones are blocking our path to wisdom’: Arianna Huffington
In her contribution to The Guardian, digital media mogul Arianna Huffington expressed her concern about the increasing dependence on technology such as smartphones and tablet PCs.
Huffington, 63, said wisdom is the most important thing to be concerned about, but people don’t because of the “pathological relationship with their devices,” citing Kelly McGonigal, a psychologist.
According to Huffington, smartphones are blocking one’s path to wisdom. She called the symptom “iParadox.”
She added the current generation is “bloated with information and starved for wisdom.”
Huffington is a Greek-American author and a columnist. She is best known for her news website, The Huffington Post, founded in 2005.
By Lee Shin-young, Intern reporter