개의 뇌파를 읽어 인간 언어로 바꾸는 기기가 출시될 예정이다. 아직은 단순한 ‘배고프다’, ‘피곤하다’, ‘누구세요?’ 같은 기본적인 감정만 전할 수 있는 수준이지만 동물과 인간 사이의 소통방법을 깊은 단계로 이끄는 시도이다.
‘No More Woof’ claims to translate dog’s thoughts into English
A gadget purporting to translate dogs’brainwaves into a recognizable human language could hit stores in the near future, U.S. media reported Thursday.
The gadget uses sensors to detect EEG brainwave patterns and translates them into English through a speaker, CNet said.
A Scandinavian research lab, Nordic Society for Invention and Discovery, currently released two versions of the device, priced at $65 and $300. respectively.
The $65 version comes with a function to determine two or three thought patterns and the other version is equipped with two sensors detecting more thought patterns.
NSID’s “No More Woof” project is seeking to raise funds on Indiegogo for mass production.
By Sung Jin-woo, Intern reporter