소설가 이외수 씨가 MBC ‘일밤-진짜 사나이’ 측이 해군2함대 사령부 편에서 진행된 자신의 강연을 편집하기로 결정하자 답답한 심경을 토로했다.
이외수 씨는 22일 자신의 트위터에 “대한민국은 국민이 정부의 발표에 반하는 의견을 제시하면 국회의원이 외압을 가해서 강연이나 티브이 출연을 금지시키는 민주(헐)공화국”이라며 “사살당한 기분입니다”라고 글을 남겼다.
앞서 MBC 측은 하태경 새누리당 의원 등이 이외수 씨 강연 편집을 요구한 데 대해 “고심 끝에 이외수 씨 녹화분량을 편집하기로 결정했다”며 “이번 논란으로 상처받았을 천안함 사태 유가족에게 죄송하다”고 입장을 밝혔다.
‘진짜 사나이’ 측은 최근 해군2함대 사령부 편 녹화에서 이 씨를 초청해 강연을 진행했다. 하지만 하태경 의원이 이 씨가 지난 2010년 천안함 사태에 대한 정부 발표를 ‘소설’에 비유한 발언을 문제 삼으며 방송 중지를 요구해 논란이 일었다.
이와 같은 MBC의 결정에 대해 하 의원은 자신의 트위터에 “상황종료군요. 모두들 수고하셨습니다. 이번 사건은 인간에 대한 기본 예의가 무엇이어야 하는지 우리에게 잘 알려준 사건입니다”라는 글을 올렸다.
한편 이번 사건에 대해 진중권 동양대 교수는 "이외수가 군대에서 강연해서는 안 될 반국가분자라면 박근혜 후보는 왜 대선 때 그 분을 찾아가서 사진을 찍었는지"라며 의문을 표했다.
진 교수는 이어 "어떤 사건이든지 그 의혹이 과학적이고 합리적인 형식을 취했다면 의혹의 제기는 허용돼야 한다"라며 하 의원의 의견에 반론을 펼쳤다.
진짜 사나이 이외수 통편집에 누리꾼들은 "진짜 사나이 이외수 통편집이라니... 황당하네", "진짜 사나이 이외수 편집, 결국 MBC가 무릎 꿇었네", "진짜 사나이 이외수 편집, 일개 국회의원 말 한 마디에 쪼르르? 시청자들 반응을 더 무서워해야 하는 거 아닌가" 등의 반응을 보였다.
Novelist berates MBC’s decision not to air his lecture
Novelist Lee Oi-soo on Friday showed his discontent toward MBC’s decision not to air his latest lecture, after his past remarks on the 2010 sinking of warship Cheonan sparked controversy.
“I feel like I was shot to death,” Lee said on his Twitter account.
Debating the legitimacy of MBC’s decision, the 66-year-old writer reacted with his trademark sarcasm, saying, “Korea is a democratic -- yeah, right -- republic in which lawmakers pressure those who oppose the government’s view, so they are banned from TV appearances or lectures.”
Last Saturday, Lee delivered a lecture to the 2nd Fleet Command at the Pyeongtaek Navy Station about the value of military services. The lecture was to be aired on Sunday’s episode of MBC variety show “Real Men.”
Saenuri lawmaker Ha Tae-keung, however, demanded that Lee’s lecture should not be aired as the writer had “mocked” the government’s conclusion about what caused the Cheonan ship to sink. Ha said that MBC should issue an apology for arranging the lecture while blasting the Defense Ministry for allowing Lee to speak at a place where the wreckage of the Cheonan ship is on display.
After Seoul pinpointed North Korea as the culprit behind the ill-fated ship’s sinking which killed 46 soldiers on board, Lee expressed doubts about the government’s interpretation of the incident. “Looking at the ‘Cheonan incident’ I came to think that there are so many people in this country who are gifted fictional writers,” he said.
MBC on Friday announced that Lee’s lecture will be edited out of the Sunday’s episode, saying that the decision was made “in consideration of those who were killed on Cheonan.”
Social critics and lawmakers and netizens alike were abuzz over the broadcaster’s decision and about Lee. Some criticized Lee for doubting the governmental announcement about Cheonan and said that he was ill-fitted to speak to soldiers, while others said a person has a right to raise questions.
Rep. Shim Jae-chul of Saenuri said that it was “outrageous” for Lee to give a lecture at Pyeongtaek. “What will people think of the navy and the Defense Ministry?” he said.
Professor Chin Jung-kwon of Dongyang University said that the real problem is the “primitive violence,” which says a certain viewpoint is the absolute truth and tries to eliminate every opposing view.
“In any case, people should be allowed to raise a suspicion as long as his or her objection is scientific and logical,” Chin said.
Chin also pointed out that none of the Saenuri lawmakers had a problem with President Park Geun-hye last year, when she visited Lee and asked for the popular novelist’s support.
“If Lee is really an ‘anti-national’ person, why did President Park take a picture with him during last year’s presidential election? Is she a ‘pro-Roh, pro-North Korean?’” Chin said jokingly. “Pro-Roh, pro-North Korean” is a derogatory term used by people who claim that supporters of late liberal president Roh Moo-hyun and people who are pro-North Korea are on the same side.
By Yoon Min-sik