Porsche offers perks for used cars

By Korea Herald
Published : Oct. 8, 2013 - 21:25

Stuttgart Sports Cars, the official importer of Porsche in Korea, has organized a fair for used Porsche cars at Porsche Center Bundang to take place Oct. 10-20, the company said on Tuesday.

Customers who purchase a car at the event can benefit from an additional 30 percent discount on Genuine Porsche equipment and lower interest rates by using Porsche Financing for the purchase. A complimentary voucher for Porsche “Driver’s Selection items” also will be offered to customers.

The sports car dealer said sellers would be offered attractive prices, with recurring customers to be given special perks.

The company added that quality was guaranteed as it was mandatory for all cars purchased through the “Porsche Approved Pre-owned Car program” to pass a stringent inspection consisting of 111 points.

“The Porsche Approved Pre-Owned Car program offers customers peace of mind, ensuring that they own a genuine Porsche with a clear repair and service history,” said Julie Son, a spokeswoman for Porsche.

Critics, however, said excessive benefits for used cars could lead consumers to replace their cars more quickly, especially since under such promotions, lease rights can also be traded.

Meanwhile, Michael Vetter, the president of Stuttgart Sports Cars, said, “At Porsche we believe there is no old Porsche ― just new owners,” adding that thanks to rigorous inspection and maintenance, the value of the cars could be maintained or even increased over time.

By Kim Ji-hyun (jemmie@heraldcorp.com)


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