Published : Aug. 26, 2013 - 18:20
박근혜 대통령에세 전격사의를 표한 양건 감사원장이 26일 오전 서울 종로구 삼청동 감사원에서 이임식을 마치고 직원들과 기념사진을 촬영하기 전 생각에 잠겨 있다. (코리아헤럴드 박해묵 사진기자)
민주당이 26일 양건 감사원장의 이임사를 ‘외풍’을 인정하는 것이라면 정부에 대한 압박을 높이고 있다.
김관영 수석대변인 한 통신사와 통화에서 양 원장의 이임사에 ‘역류와 외풍을 막고 직무의 독립성 끌어올리려고 안간힘을 썼지만 역부족임을 절감한다’는 문구가 포함된 것을 거론하며 이같이 주장했다.
김 수석대변인은 “결국 양 원장이 외풍을 막지 못해 흔들렸다는 것을 인정한 것”이라며 “이번 기회에 감사원이 제대로 독립성을 유지할 수 있도록 인사제도를 정비할 필요가 있다”고 강조했다.
국회 법제사법위원회 민주당 간사인 이춘석 의원도 “감사원에 외풍을 넣을 수 있는 기관은 청와대밖에 없을 것”이라며 “청와대가 이 부분에 대해 확실히 해명 해야 한다”고 말했다.
앞서 전병헌 원내대표는 이날 오전 서울광장 천막당사에서 열린 최고위원회의에서 “양 감사원장의 사퇴를 둘러싼 의혹 자체가 헌법에 대한 위협이자 도전”이라면서 “의혹에 대해 진실을 밝혀야 한다”고 말했다.
전 원내대표는 “청와대가 논공행상 인사를 하려고 압력을 행사했다는 의혹이 있고, 대국민 사기극인 4대강 공사를 둘러싼 권력암투의 산물이라는 의혹이 있다”며 “진실이 어떤 것이든 대단히 심각한 인사 스캔들이다. 민주당은 대통령의 감사원장 인사를 예의주시하겠다”고 밝혔다.
한편 청와대는 양 감사원장의 사퇴는 개인적인 결정이라며 민주당 등이 제기한 의혹을 일축했다.
이정현 청와대 홍보수석은 “새 정부에서는 양건 감사원장의 임기를 보장하는 차원에서 유임했는데 스스로 사임한 것에 대해서 스스로 사퇴한 것에 대해서 유감으로 생각한다,” 라고 밝혔다.
다른 청와대 고위관계자는 “사퇴와 관련한 추측성 보도에 대해서 청와대는 무관하다”며 관련의혹을 일축했다. (코리아헤럴드 최희석 기자)
BAI chief’s resignation adds fuel to allegations
By Choi He-suk
Board of Audit and Inspection chief Yang Kun’s resignation speech has sparked off a fresh round of attacks against the government from the main Democratic Party.
Saying that he believed that performing the duties of the BAI chief regardless of administration changes was his duty, Yang said that he no longer sees much value in continuing in his post.
“I have come to place little meaning in continuing to perform the duties of the BAI chairman. This is a personal decision,” Yang said in his resignation speech.
He went on to say that he considered the BAI’s top priority as maintaining political neutrality and independence in conducting its duties, but he failed in protecting the organization from outside influences.
“During my term, I endeavored to raise (the BAI’s) independence but looking back now it was inadequate,” Yang said in his resignation speech.
The DP has interpreted Yang’s comments as being “proof” of outside involvement in his decision to resign.
“Mid-term Resignation of the BAI chief is the problem in itself. Resignation itself is a violation of the Constitution, just as pressuring (Yang) to resign is,” DP members of the parliamentary Legislation and Judiciary Committee said in a statement.
“The Park Geun-hye administration has turned the BAI into a negotiation tool between the pro-Lee and pro-Park factions of the (Saenuri) party.”
Earlier in the day, DP floor leader Rep. Jun Byung-hun also voiced doubts about the decision being Yang’s own, citing allegations that Yang was pressured by Cheong Wa Dae, and that the BAI chief was pushed out as a result of a power struggle over the four-rivers project.
“Which ever is the truth, it is a very grievous personnel management scandal. The DP will closely watch the president’s BAI chief appointment,” Jun said at the party’s supreme council meeting on Monday.
Allegations have risen that the decision was a result of pressure from pro-Lee Myung-bak faction of the Saenuri Party over BAI’s assessment of the four-rivers project.
The BAI has compiled a report saying that the 22-trillion won project was faulty from the planning stage.
In addition, allegations have risen that Cheong Wa Dae induced Yang’s resignation after he refused to appoint ChungAng University professor Chang Hoon -- a former campaign aide of President Park Geun-hye -- as a BAI commissioner.
The presidential office, however, denied all such speculations and that it had tried to ensure Yang his term.
“It is regretful that (Yang) chose to resign, when the new government retained Yang in office in order to guarantee his term,” senior presidential press secretary Lee Jung-hyun said.
The ruling Saenuri Party met the development with a muted welcome.
“(The BAI) should use the opportunity to regain the public’s trust and to become the auditing organization that conducts strict inspections in line with constitutional ideals,” Saenuri Party chairman Rep. Hwang Woo-yea said at the party’s supreme council meeting on Monday.
Although Hwang had not been openly against Yang continuing as the BAI chief, the Saenuri leader had earlier implied that the BAI was deviating from its role saying “the BAI’s image is shaking under Yang.”